Key participant in session:
→ (S1.1) Cybersecurity in South Eastern Europe: how to ensure trust and security?
Stakeholder group: Government
Government of Romania | Chief Information Officer
Graduate of both business and law studies in Bucharest, Cristian Cucu holds an MBA from Northwood University in Michigan, USA, while maintaining a strong focus on technology. His career path turned towards cyber-security in 2001, where he activated for over 15 years, becoming a professional in this field after implementing and consulting on numerous and complex solutions from security baselining, to preemptive protection, remediation and resolution. He is also a certified auditor in system’s security and risk management and the current interests outline security intelligence and architecture, mapped on the Romanian IT security ecosystem.
In 2016, Cristian has taken on a new and more complex challenge, becoming the first Government Chief Information Officer in Romania. Among his responsibilities are the implementation of information technology public policies, development of the enterprise architecture and alignment of projects, investments and resources with the objectives of the national strategy and interoperability framework.