Special Christmas deal – Second Draft of AIA GPAI Code of Practice: Quo vadis, AI?
The second draft of the guiding document for providers of general-purpose AI models to demonstrate compliance with the AI Act was released right before Christmas.
At SEEDIG, we believe that digital technologies have an important role to play in the sustainable economic and social development of South Eastern Europe (SEE). In line with this belief, our vision is that of a healthy, sustainable and inclusive digital advancement of the SEE region.
Our mission is to support such a digital advancement through facilitating multistakeholder dialogue and cooperation on addressing issues related to the use, evolution and governance of the Internet and other digital technologies across the region.
We hold annual meetings to foster dialogue and cooperation between SEE stakeholders in addressing relevant digital policy issues, from closing the digital divide to taking advantage of the opportunities offered by emerging technologies such as the Internet of things and artificial intelligence.
We work to empower the SEE community through our capacity development programmes – such as the Youth School and the Fellowship Programme – dedicated to raising awareness on digital policy issues and strengthening the capacity of regional stakeholders to engage in addressing such issues at national, regional and international levels.
Every month, we publish the SEEsummary – the only overview of Internet and digital policy developments in SEE. We also conduct regional surveys to shed light on regional practices and tendencies regarding the use, evolution and governance of the Internet and other digital technologies.
Between two annual meetings, we carry out various intersessional projects to contribute to our mission and goals. Examples of such projects carried out throughout the years include the SEEDIG Road Show and the COVID-19 Tracking Apps in SEE+ project.
The second draft of the guiding document for providers of general-purpose AI models to demonstrate compliance with the AI Act was released right before Christmas.
If anyone wants to write a song about AI, the refrain must be, “I am scared.” Talking with ordinary people of every education level, AI
“Internet is special place – some new things will attract attention and will be used by people, and some don’t. Internet is filter for them,