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SEEDIG 9 — SEE Potential:
Digital Turning Points & Responsible Governance

25-26 November 2024

Mona Plaza Hotel
Belgrade, Serbia

About SEEDIG 9

The SEEDIG Annual Meeting is the flagship event of the South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance (SEEDIG), uniting regional stakeholders to address critical digital policy and internet governance issues. With the overarching theme SEE Potential: Digital Turning Points and Responsible Governance, SEEDIG 9 highlighted South Eastern Europe’s role in fostering inclusive and accountable digital policies. Conducted on 25-26 November 2024 in Belgrade, Serbia, and online, the event offered dynamic sessions, expert panels, and valuable networking opportunities aimed at shaping the region’s digital future.

SEEDIG 9 served as a collaborative platform for policymakers, civil society, technical community,  private sector, and academia to tackle regional digital challenges and promote inclusive growth.

In Focus

Register for SEEDIG 9

Join us for SEEDIG 9, where the digital future of South Eastern Europe takes center stage. Don’t miss the opportunity to engage with regional and global experts, explore critical digital policy issues, and contribute to impactful discussions. Secure your spot today to be at the forefront of Internet governance in the region.

Become partner or sponsor

By partnering with us, you’ll gain visibility in front of a diverse audience of leaders, policymakers, and experts across South Eastern Europe. We offer tailored sponsorship packages to meet your organization's goals, including branding, speaking opportunities, and more. Send email to SEEDIG Executive Committee to discuss collaboration opportunities.
Current Month



    • Day 1
    • Day 2
    • November 25, 2024
    • 9:00am Registration & Welcome Coffee9:00am – 10:00am
    • 10:00am Opening Remarks10:00am – 10:40am
      • Olga Kyryliuk | Chair of  SEEDIG Executive Committee
      • Jan Braathu | Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia
      • Brankica Janković | Commissioner for Protection of Equality of the Republic of Serbia
      • Anja Gengo | Associate Programme Expert and NRI Focal Point | UN IGF Secretariat
      • Đorđo Cvijović | Local Program Officer | Regional Youth Cooperation Office
    • 10:40am Panel Discussion | Council of Europe Digital Agenda in Action10:40am – 11:40am

      Session Host: Council of Europe

      Council of Europe Digital Agenda is focused on developing universal legal standards for internet and digital governance, also providing capacity building programmes in South-East European countries. The panel discussion will showcase the current priorities from the global, European, and SEE perspectives. Speakers will cover action on cybercrime, AI and anti-discrimination, data protection, the latest online safety policies and the Metaverse. The audience will learn firsthand from practitioners on current actions, challenges and opportunities and will be able to interact with speakers in a Q&A session.

      Speakers: Cesare Pitea, Daniel Cuciurianu, Nevena Ruzic, Octavian Șofransky, Svetlana Rakic
    • 11:40am Coffee Break11:40am – 12:00pm
    • 12:00pm Keynote Speech | Global Digital Compact and SEE Region12:00pm – 12:30pm
      Speakers: Isabel de Sola
    • 12:30pm Lightning Talk | Key Insights from the IDN World Report 202412:30pm – 1:00pm

      Session Host: EURid

      This session will explore the pivotal findings from the IDN World Report 2024, offering an overview of the global landscape for Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs), with an emphasis on country code top-level domains (ccTLDs). Attendees will also gain insights from selected case studies that highlight diverse experiences of ccTLDs in implementing IDNs.

      Speakers: Regina Filipová Fuchsová
    • 1:00pm Lunch Break1:00pm – 2:00pm
    • 2:00pm Fireside Chat | What is CODI?2:00pm – 2:45pm

      What is the Coalition for Digital Inclusion (CODI), and why is it essential? What are its goals, and who are its members? This session will answer these questions and more, highlighting why our focus should extend far beyond Universal Acceptance and IDN domains.

      Speakers: Christian Dawson, Dušan Stojičević, Ram Mohan
    • 2:45pm Panel Discussion | IPv6 Uptake in SEE Region: Challenges and Opportunities2:45pm – 3:45pm

      Session Host: RIPE NCC

      The session will focus on IPv6 uptake in the SEE region. First it will set up the scene with background information on IPv6 and the situation in the SEE region, followed by a panel discussion among top experts and practitioners in the region.

      Speakers: Alena Muravska, Desiree Miloševič, Jan Žorž, Jaromir Novak, Vasja Križmančič
    • 3:45pm Coffee Break3:45pm – 4:00pm
    • 4:00pm Panel Discussion | A Deep Dive into Internet Freedom: Lessons from Freedom on the Net 20244:00pm – 5:00pm

      Session Host: Freedom House

      The 2024 edition of Freedom on the Net found that internet freedom declined for a 14th consecutive year as censorship and content manipulation were combined to sway elections, undermining voters’ ability to make informed decisions, fully participate in the electoral process, and have their voices heard.  During this interactive session, the authors of the Armenia, Georgia, Serbia, and Ukraine Freedom on the Net country reports will review global findings and recent digital rights developments in their respective countries, diving into the varied internet freedom landscapes across the region. They will also discuss how to protect election integrity in the digital age and share how findings can be leveraged for advocacy at the national and regional levels.

      Speakers: Grant Baker, Mila Bajic, Olga Kyryliuk, Samvel Martirosyan, Teona Turashvili
    • 7:00pm SEEDIG 9 After Hours: Networking & DJ Beats7:00pm – 12:00am

      Venue: Dorćol Platz, Dobračina 59b

    • November 26, 2024
    • 10:00am Panel Discussion | Investigative Media Findings on Digital Rights and Freedoms Violations in SEE Region10:00am – 11:00am

      Session Host: Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN)

      This session will explore findings from a two-year monitoring of digital rights and freedoms violations in the region, including daily mapping, media reporting, and investigations that highlight human rights violations in the digital space. Panelists will discuss emerging trends with regional and international experts, concluding with a clear roadmap from activists and CSO leaders. The discussion aims to serve as an advocacy tool for government officials, outlining the strategic benefits of advancing digital rights. Balkan Investigative Reporting Network’s second regional report on digital rights will be published ahead of SEEDIG 2024, with key findings presented.

      Speakers: Aida Mahmutović, Maja Ćalović, Nataša Kilibarda
    • 11:00am Panel Discussion | Navigating Global and National Labor Markets: What Gigmeter Reveals about Serbian Online Platform Workers11:00am – 11:45am

      Session Host: Public Policy Research Centre

      This session will introduce Gigmeter, an innovative tool designed to measure the characteristics of online platform work in South Eastern Europe. Recognized as a vital information source for policymakers, researchers, media, and online platform workers alike, Gigmeter offers critical insights into this evolving labor landscape. The presentation will outline the methodology behind this research and share the latest findings on the activities of online platform workers in Serbia.

      Speakers: Branka Andjelkovic, Ljubivoje Radonjic, Tanja Jakobi, Vladan Ivanović, Zoran Kalinic
    • 11:45am Coffee Break11:45am – 12:00pm
    • 12:00pm Public-Private Policy Dialogue | Council of Europe Digital Partnership with Business12:00pm – 1:00pm

      Session Host: Council of Europe

      Council of Europe Digital Agenda includes a dialogue with leading technology companies and associations on protecting human rights and democracy online. The speakers will elaborate on the ongoing cooperation with the Council of Europe, other public-private frameworks, and on their organization focus within the digital governance agenda. A special attention will be given to initiatives in South-Eastern Europe. The audience will be able to interact with speakers in a Q&A session.

      Speakers: Angela Coriz, Irene Kitsara, Jaromir Novak, Magda Irimia, Octavian Șofransky, Pablo Barrionuevo Huélamo
    • 1:00pm Lunch Break1:00pm – 2:00pm
    • 2:00pm Keynote Dialogue | AI & Emerging Tech: Preventing Misuse and Advancing Regulation2:00pm – 2:45pm

      Session Host: Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM)

      This session will explore the urgent need for stronger regulatory frameworks for AI and emerging technologies at both national and international levels. With the growing risk of malicious use by criminal and terrorist groups, participants will discuss strategies for effective regulation to enhance security and mitigate threats associated with these advanced technologies.

      Speakers: Hon. Abdelouhab Yagoubi, Hon. Tijana Davidovac
    • 2:45pm Workshop | Cyber Attacks Against Civil Society as a Critical Issue2:45pm – 3:30pm

      Session Host: CyberHUB

      The session will outline the primary cyber attack strategies used by state-sponsored hacking groups and cyber mercenaries against civil society. In addition, it will present potential digital resistance protocols to counter these threats.

      Speakers: Samvel Martirosyan, Yana Ghahramanyan
    • 3:30pm Coffee Break3:30pm – 3:45pm
    • 3:45pm Panel Discussion | Bridging the Gender Gap: Advancing Cybersecurity Careers for Women in South Eastern Europe3:45pm – 4:15pm

      Session Host: Critical Infrastructure Digitalization and Resilience (CIDR) program, implemented by DAI and funded by USAID

      This presentation will highlight the progress and initiatives of the Cyber Pathways for Women (CPW) project in North Macedonia and Serbia, focusing on empowering women to pursue careers in cybersecurity. Speakers will showcase key achievements such as the establishment of national task forces, development of cybersecurity career pathways, and collaboration with private sector partners, educational institutions, and government agencies. A key focus will be on the tailor-made approaches adopted in North Macedonia and Serbia, where different strategies have been customized to address the unique needs in each country.

      Speakers: Dragan Lončarski, Jelena Jovanović, Liljana Pecova, Nataša Šaric
    • 4:15pm Panel Discussion | Digital Regulation in Transition: Preparing the Western Balkans for the DSA and DMA4:15pm – 5:15pm

      Session Host: NGO 35mm

      As non-EU member states, the Western Balkans are at a juncture in their digital regulatory journey. The Digital Services Act (DSA) and Digital Markets Act (DMA) require WB countries to engage in a thoughtful process of legislative adaptation and transposition. This panel will discuss the implications of these regulations for the region, focusing on how to build regulatory capacity and institutions that can handle the demands of the DSA and DMA. Experts will provide insights on what technical and legal adjustments are necessary, how businesses can prepare for new digital market rules, and what role civil society and regional cooperation can play in this transition. The discussion will emphasize a collaborative, forward-looking approach to ensure that the region stays aligned with EU digital standards and remains competitive in the global digital economy.

      Speakers: Ana Toskić Cvetinović, Gentjan Skara, Ivan Bošković, Maida Ćulahović, Snežana Nikčević
    • 5:15pm Closing Remarks5:15pm – 5:30pm

Speakers for this event

  • Aida Mahmutović

    Aida Mahmutović

    Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN)

    Digital Rights Project Manager

    Aida Mahmutović is Digital rights project manager at BIRN Kosovo and BIRN Bosnia and Herzegovina. She began her career in Internet governance in 2011 at the Center for e-Governance Development in Slovenia. Her field of experience has been related to Internet governance and human rights for over twelve years now. She was a programme manager at the One World Platform (OWP) where she led Internet rights and women’s rights projects. This included international projects by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC), such as “End violence: Women Rights and Safety Online”, “Local Actions to Secure Internet Rights”, and the global “Take Back The Tech” campaign. She led the Balkan School on Internet Governance, the first IG school in the region. Since 2016, she has worked on Geneva Internet Platform’s Digital Watch Observatory as a content co-creator and curator, covering global developments on privacy and data protection and cultural diversity, and later gender rights online and migration and technology.In 2014, she was selected by the UN Secretary General to serve a three-year term on the UN’s Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) of the Internet Governance Forum. She served as executive committee member of the South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance (SEEDIG) and as a member of the organising committee for the Regional Internet Forum. She has been leading the organizing team of BH IGF since 2015. She co-authored the GisWatch BiH country report (2014) on digital surveillance, “End Violence: Women’s Rights and Safety Online (2015)”, and “Cybersecurity Governance and Gender in the Western Balkans” and for the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF) (2021), “Online actions, offline harms: Case studies on gender and cybersecurity in the Western Balkans”. Currently at Detektor she manages projects related to misinformation and foreign malign influence, transitional justice, and digital rights all in relation to human rights and the rule of law.

    Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN)

  • Alena Muravska

    Alena Muravska


    Programme Manager

    Alena Muravska is a Programme Manager at the RIPE NCC’s Community & Engagement. Previously, Alena worked on the Registration Services as a Senior Member Services Analyst. Alena has an engineering degree from the National Technical University of Ukraine and Master’s degree in Policy and Public Affairs from Leiden University. She is a multilingual speaker and is fluent in English, Dutch and Ukrainian.


  • Ana Toskić Cvetinović

    Ana Toskić Cvetinović

    Partners Serbia

    Executive Director

    Ana Toskić Cvetinović is a human rights lawyer with over 15 years of experience in the Western Balkans. In 2017, Ana was appointed the Executive Director of Partners Serbia, a Belgrade-based civil society organization, where she has specialized in privacy law and legal aspects of information management. She develops and implements training programs, research and advocacy campaigns aimed at improving privacy-related legislative framework and practices. She is specifically interested in exploring the intersection between rule of law and the use of new technologies, including the development of artificial intelligence and automation and their impact on human rights. Throughout her work, Ana has been working on building bridges and establishing coalitions among variety of stakeholders – CSOs, media, public and private sectors and academia. She authored number of studies and reports in the field of privacy and data protection, freedom of expression and digital rights, and she also advises private and public sector subjects in implementing privacy compliance programs.

    Partners Serbia

  • Angela Coriz

    Angela Coriz

    Connect Europe

    Policy Officer

    Angela is a Policy Officer at Connect Europe. She is part of the regulatory and public policy team, and focuses primarily on artificial intelligence, taxation, international affairs, and naming, addressing and numbering.

    Connect Europe

  • Branka Andjelkovic

    Branka Andjelkovic

    Public Policy Research Centre

    Co-Founder & Programme Director

    Branka Andjelkovic is the Co-founder and Programme Director of the Public Policy Research Center, Belgrade, Serbia. Her research interests are in labour market institutions, employment relations, non-standard forms of employment, and digitalisation and automation. She has been the principal investigator in numerous research projects and has worked as a policy expert for a range of international organizations. Branka publishes studies and papers about platform work, privacy and data protection, and digital economy. She holds MA in public administration from Harvard University (USA) and BA in comparative literature from the University of Belgrade.

    Public Policy Research Centre

  • Cesare Pitea

    Cesare Pitea

    Council of Europe

    Freedom of Expression and CDMSI, Online Safety and Metaverse

    Cesare joined the Council of Europe 2021, focusing on freedom of expression and media. He is currently part of the Secretariat responsible for media and the Steering Committee on Media and Information Society (CDMSI) and is currently the Secretary to the Committee of Experts on online safety and empowerment of content creators and users (MSI-eSEC). He was previously a Programme Manager for technical assistance cooperation projects in the area of freedom of expression and media in Southeast Europe.

    Council of Europe

  • Christian Dawson

    Christian Dawson


    Executive Director

    Christian Dawson is the Co-Founder of the Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) where he works to make the Internet a better, safer place for the businesses that make up the Cloud. Dawson spent 16 years as an executive at web hosting provider ServInt. While there, he co-founded the Save Hosting initiative, designed to galvanize web hosting providers in their opposition of PIPA & SOPA. He went on to help found the i2Coalition to ensure that those who build the infrastructure of the Internet have a voice in all matters of public policy that affect them. He is a staunch advocate for Internet freedom as a tool for social and economic growth by fostering the growth and expansion of the Internet economy. Dawson served as the Chairman of the i2Coalition Board from 2012 to 2016. As of January 2016, Dawson has joined the i2Coalition in a full-time position as its first Executive Director.


  • Daniel Cuciurianu

    Daniel Cuciurianu

    Council of Europe

    Programme Manager

    Daniel has been with the Council of Europe since 2022, as Programme Manager of the iPROCEEDS-2 and CyberSEE Projects, both dedicated to enhance the criminal justice response of South-East Europe and Turkiye to cybercrime and electronic evidence, in line with the provisions of the Convention on Cybercrime, its Second Protocol and European Union objectives. Before joining his current role, he served for 20 years as a police officer of the Romanian National Police, ultimately holding the position of head of the Bucharest Cybercrime Department, where he led joint investigation teams for cross-border operations such as RESIDENT, COLD LAKE and BRUNO, additionally acting as a consultant on capacity building in cybercrime. Daniel holds a Master’s degree in Criminal Investigation and a Bachelor’s degree in Law.

    Council of Europe

  • Desiree Miloševič

    Desiree Miloševič


    Cooperation WG Chair

    Desiree‘s experience spans across a network of UK-based Internet start-ups, numerous national and international NGOs, as well as institutions such as the UN, where she served as a special policy adviser on Internet governance issues. She has over 20 years of non-exec board experience based in the USA, UK, and SEE, while over the last decade, she has been focusing on building open-source communities. Her latest initiative within the SEE region includes a project focused on sustainable development and climate change, while she continues to run an annual hackathon (DESCON) and advocate for user’s digital rights. She co-chairs the RIPE Cooperation Working Group.


  • Dragan Lončarski

    Dragan Lončarski


    Regional Cybersecurity Advisor & Serbian Program Manager

    Dragan Lončarski is the Regional Technical Advisor for the Critical Infrastructure Digitalization and Resilience (CIDR) program, implemented by DAI and funded by USAID. With over 25 years of experience in I&T security and corporate systems, Dragan has held roles as lead engineer, systems architect, project manager, and CISO. His work spans high-profile projects such as GazpromNeft consolidation and eFiscalization implementation, PCI DSS compliance, PKI certification audits, and the development of BC/DR policies for state institutions. Certified in CISM, DPO, COBIT, Security+, PRINCE2, ISO27001, Dragan emphasizes effective communication as key to bridging business and engineering perspectives for successful project outcomes.


  • Dušan Stojičević

    Dušan Stojičević


    Marketing Director

    Dušan Stojičević was for many years editor-in-chief of “Svet kompjutera” (World of Computers) magazine, a member and Chair of the RNIDS BoG, Chair of the Cyrillic Generation Panel at ICANN, a member of the SEEDIG Executive Committee and a member of the RIPE SEE Programme Committee. He has also served as Vice-Chair of the Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) and is now Vice-Chair of the RNIDS BoG and Marketing Director for Eastern Europe at Gransy. The focus of his activities is on IDN domains and the issues surrounding universal acceptance of all languages and scripts on the Internet.


  • Gentjan Skara

    Gentjan Skara

    Department of Law – Epoka University

    Lecturer of EU Law and Competition Law

    Gentjan Skara holds an LLB from the University of Tirana (Albania); an MA in “European Studies” from Epoka University (Albania); an LLM for “South-East European Law and European Integration” from the University of Graz; PhD in “EU Law and National Legal System program” from the University of Ferrara. Genti has been a visiting fellow at the Institute of Corporate and International Commercial Law, University of Graz (Austria), the Department of International Law, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and the Institute for European Global Studies, University of Basel (Switzerland). As of 1 August 2023, Genti is a full-time member of the Department of Law at Epoka University. In May 2022, Genti published a book in a well-known publisher, Springer Nature, titled “Europeanization of Albanian Competition Law: The Case of Albania”. His research interests relate to EU Law, competition law, the harmonisation of laws, and the interplay between online platforms and law. Besides academic engagement, Genti is a National Legal expert for the “Internal Market and Competition” of EU acquis near the Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs, Republic of Albania and has provided its expertise to different organisations. His research interests relate to EU Law, competition law, the harmonisation of laws, and the interplay between online platforms and law.

    Department of Law – Epoka University

  • Grant Baker

    Grant Baker

    Freedom House

    Research Analyst for Technology and Democracy

    Grant Baker is a Research Analyst for technology and democracy at Freedom House where he covers Europe and Eurasia for Freedom on the Net. Prior to joining Freedom House, he worked as the Research Manager at SMEX, where he led the Beirut-based organization’s research on digital rights, contributed to the Lebanon Freedom on the Net report, and conducted grant writing on research and advocacy.

    Freedom House

  • Hon. Abdelouhab Yagoubi

    Hon. Abdelouhab Yagoubi

    Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM)

    PAM Special Rapporteur on Artificial Intelligence

    Hon. Abdelouahab Yagoubi, born on 22 December 1967, is a Member of the People’s National Assembly of Algeria (APN) since 2021. He serves in the Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, and Emigration Parliamentary Committee and is Special Rapporteur on Artificial Intelligence for the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM).Hon. Yagoubi’s  career spans over three decades, during which he developed a dual expertise in information technology and management. Prior to his political tenure, he held prominent positions in the private sector, including his role as Program Manager at ATOS-BULL in Paris. His work included overseeing large-scale IT projects for government ministries, international organizations, and corporations. Earlier in his career, Yagoubi worked at Cap Gemini Ernst & Young and served as a design engineer at CONCIS, contributing to pioneering projects in emerging countries.Fluent in Arabic, French, and English, Hon. Yagoubi holds a Ph.D. in Information Systems Engineering from Paris-XII-Est-Créteil University, alongside a Master’s in Management of Public Policy and Organizational Dynamics, obtained from institutions such as ESCP-Europe and Ecole des Mines. His expertise spans program and project management, with international certifications and technical proficiency in SAP, Oracle, and GIS systems. His academic contributions include serving as an Associate Professor of IT Project Management at EPF-Engineering School.

    Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM)

  • Hon. Tijana Davidovac

    Hon. Tijana Davidovac

    Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM)

    Member of the Serbian Delegation to PAM

    Hon. Tijana Davidovac, born on 19 September 1986, is a Member of the National Assembly of Serbia since 2016, representing the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). She serves in both the Economy, Regional Development, Trade, Tourism and Energy Parliamentary Committee and in the Finance, State Budget and Control of Public Spending Parliamentary Parliamentary Committee. She is Member of her National Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM). Hon. Davidovac is an economist by profession. She completed her elementary education in Lajkovac and attended high school in Valjevo. Currently, she resides in the Belgrade municipality of Lazarevac, where she continues to engage actively in public and professional endeavors.

    Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM)

  • Irene Kitsara

    Irene Kitsara

    Vienna Global Office of IEEE Standards Association

    European Standardisation Initiative Director

    Irene’s work at IEEE is focused on topics related to the green and digital transformation, digital governance, strategic partnerships, and issues related to sustainability, circularity and climate change as part of the core team of the IEEE Technology Center for Climate (ITCC). Before joining IEEE in 2022, Irene worked for 13 years at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a specialized UN agency, where she led IP and innovation data-based technology trends publication in 25 technology areas, providing factual evidence to support decision-making. Irene also worked in law firms in Germany and Greece, at the European Patent Office, the European Commission (DG Grow) and the Max-Planck Institute for Foreign and International Social law. Irene is a Greek lawyer admitted at the Athens Bar and holds a Masters in European and International Business law from LMU, Munich. 

    Vienna Global Office of IEEE Standards Association

  • Isabel de Sola

    Isabel de Sola

    Office of Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology (OSET)

    Senior Advisor, Geneva Liaison

    Isabel de Sola recently joined the Office of the UNSG’s Envoy on Technology as Liaison Officer based in Geneva. Originally from El Salvador, Isabel was a diplomat of her country for over ten years before joining the World Economic Forum as a Global Leadership Fellow from 2011-2016. She was a Senior Advisor to the secretariat of the High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation in 2018, and Director of the Martin Ennals Foundation from 2019-2024. She is a graduate of Harvard University and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

    Office of Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology (OSET)

  • Ivan Bošković

    Ivan Bošković

    IT Advanced Services


    Ivan Bošković is the CEO of ITAS, a company that is part of the Čikom group, specializing in the application of artificial intelligence in business, providing innovative solutions tailored to the specific needs of clients. After gaining extensive experience in various sectors of the ICT industry, including software development, payment systems, fintech, and telecommunications, both in Montenegro and abroad, he has, in recent years, focused on researching and applying AI technologies. He leverages his accumulated experience to merge the technological innovation enabled by artificial intelligence with a strategic approach, developing advanced solutions that support business growth and digital transformation.

    IT Advanced Services

  • Jan Žorž

    Jan Žorž

    6connect Labs


    Jan Žorž is a VP of 6connect Labs, working on the development of various protocols and network solutions to accelerate the global deployment of IPv6. Active in the RIPE community as a RIPE PC member, Jan is also SEE RIPE regional meeting chairman and a founder and a chair of SINOG, the Slovenian Network Operators Group. Several IETF RFCs author and one of the founders and member of the board of GNA (Global NOG Alliance). Jan is also active in its “Keep Ukraine Connected” initiative. Previously worked with the Internet Society and served as a CEO of Go6 Institute Slovenia. Jan is based in Slovenia, EU.

    6connect Labs

  • Jaromir Novak

    Jaromir Novak

    EuroISPA Partner for Regulatory Affairs at CZ.NIC

    Regulatory and Policy Officer

    Jaromír graduated from the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University in Brno and the Faculty of Information Management at the University of Hradec Králové. In 2005, he joined the Ministry of Informatics of the Czech Republic (Department of Electronic Communications). After the cancellation of this department, he changed the position to Director of the Electronic Communications Department and then Director of the Digital Economy Section at the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic. In autumn of 2012, he was appointed a member of the Czech Telecommunication Office (CTO) by the Government of the Czech Republic. After that, he became Chairman of the CTO. Jaromír Novák resigned from the position of Chairman and Member of the CTO in January 2020. Jaromír joined the CZ.NIC Association in 2020 and his main duties comprise of monitoring changes in legislation concerning the Association, communication with state administration, local government and the European Union and searching other ways to work with public sector institutions. His hobbies include literature and modern technology.

    EuroISPA Partner for Regulatory Affairs at CZ.NIC

  • Jelena Jovanović

    Jelena Jovanović

    Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia

    Advisor to the President

    Jelena Jovanović is an accomplished expert with over 20 years of experience at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, focusing on ICT development, international economic relations, and legislative frameworks. As Advisor to the President and Head of the ICT Association, she leads initiatives in ICT industry analysis, legislative collaboration, and positioning Serbia’s ICT sector globally. Her career highlights include fostering international business relations, driving eID regulations, advancing Serbia’s presence in markets like China and Kenya, and currently addressing information security topics within the Chamber of Commerce. Jelena is highly regarded for her strategic vision and expertise in connecting Serbia’s ICT sector with global opportunities.

    Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia

  • Liljana Pecova

    Liljana Pecova

    CIDR North Macedonia

    Manager at Cyber Pathways for Women

    Liljana Pecova-Ilieska is a Cyber Pathways for Women Manager at DAI, a global development company that works on the frontlines of international development. More than 20 years of experience in the fields of law enforcement, data privacy protection, project management, digital skills and media, cybersecurity, innovation, good governance, RoL & development. Worked in institutional, non-governmental and private sector. Woking experience in Ministry of Interior, Data Protection Agency, NGO sector, Press Council of the Media, and International Consultancy with UNOPS, OSCE, Dev Tech Systems Inc., DCAF, Thomson Foundation, DAI Global, etc.Served as Focal point for EURODIG panning sessions, SEEDIG ExeBoard Member, ITU network. Received distinguished fellowships and alumni memberships: UK Chevening Fellowship for Cybersecurity, GCMC Alumni, Government of Canada for Executives Course fellowship “International Law in the Cyber Era: Finding Balance Between State Interests and Individual Rights”, Counterterrorism and Anti-Crime Capacity Building Programs (ICC), College of Europe in Warsaw Alumni Fellowship, Lodz Cyber Hub Fellowship on Low Earth Orbit Satellites, RIPE NCC fellowship, IGF fellowship, etc.

    CIDR North Macedonia

  • Ljubivoje Radonjic

    Ljubivoje Radonjic

    State University of Novi Pazar

    Research Assistant

    Ljubivoje Radonjic is a Research Assistant at the Department of Economics at the State University of Novi Pazar. He is also a Research Associate at the Public Policy Research Centre and curently serves as the Grant Holder Manager within the project within the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (ref. No. CA21118 – Platform Work Living Lab). He holds a MSc in economics. He has pursued professional development abroad on multiple occasions (Poland). Currently, he is working on thesis titled „Interrelationship between Economic Performance and Innovation: the Case of European Regions“. His main fields of interest are regional development, innovation economics, digital economy, and platform work. Ljubivoje is author and co-author of a dozen scientific papers and policy papers with the expertise in innovation economics and digitalisation.

    State University of Novi Pazar

  • Magda Irimia

    Magda Irimia

    Microsoft Corporation

    Outside Legal Counsel

    Magda started her career in 2002 and she specializes in intellectual property, cyber law and data protection, competition law, and environmental law. She is an attorney-at-law, member of the Bucharest Bar Association since 2002, and, since 2005, a certified trademark, industrial design, and patent Romanian attorney and a trademark and industrial design European attorney. She is a member of ASDPI, INTA and IAPP, as CIPP/E – Certified Information Privacy Professional/Europe and represents ASPDI in the Working Group for GPAI Codes of Practice. She also holds a SANS certification in Information Security Fundamentals GIAC/GISF and got training in AI Security Essentials (2024) and Cybersecurity Fundamentals (2022). She graduated from Bucharest University Faculty of Law in 2001 and she holds a master degree in business law from the Institute for Business Law and International Cooperation Nicolae Titulescu – Henri Capitant, a jointly administered Institute by the Paris I University Pantheon-Sorbonne and the University of Bucharest Law School. She completed an annual training in Competition Law and Economics, followed by a Digital Economy Program, both at the European University Institute Florence, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. She assists Romanian and multinational companies in intellectual property matters and cyberlaw, including Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit, and has extensive experience in providing legal advice and representation as regards new technologies, sector specific contracts, data protection, and anti-trust issues.

    Microsoft Corporation

  • Maida Ćulahović

    Maida Ćulahović

    CA ”Why Not”

    Policy and Advocacy Coordinator

    Maida Ćulahović coordinates policy and advocacy efforts at Citizen’s Association “Zašto ne/Why Not”, aimed at improving the digital space with a particular focus on harmonization with the relevant EU policies and regulations in this field. Maida is an expert in media and digital policy. Previously, she had worked at the communications regulator of Bosnia and Herzegovina, focusing on the development of regulatory framework for the audiovisual media sector and its harmonization with European standards and best practices, as well as coordinating international cooperation with other regulatory authorities and networks. She has collaborated with various other stakeholders including international organizations and CSOs and has extensive experience as a consultant, researcher and contributor. She holds an M.A. in European Studies from the University of Sarajevo in association with the University of Bologna and London School of Economics.

    CA ”Why Not”

  • Maja Ćalović

    Maja Ćalović

    Mediacentar Sarajevo

    Project Coordinator

    Maja Calovic is a digital media expert and trainer at Mediacentar Sarajevo. She has over a decade of experience in writing about and analysing digital media trends, as well as developing educational programmes and materials in the field of media and digital literacy. She is also a digital rights advocate, actively involved with internet governance initiatives in the South East Europe region and currently coordinating the work of the Coalition for Freedom of Expression and Content Moderation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    Mediacentar Sarajevo

  • Mila Bajic

    Mila Bajic

    SHARE Foundation

    Research Lead

    Mila Bajic is a Research Lead at the Serbian digital human rights organization SHARE Foundation, where she works on many established and emerging threats online such as the spread of conspiracy theories, hate speech and disinformation, voter manipulation and online privacy and personal data protection. She has participated in a number of advocacy efforts aimed at big technology companies in order to change their approach to users in the Western Balkans and has also been engaged in the campaign to ban biometric mass surveillance on the streets of Belgrade. She is also the co-author of the Serbia Freedom on the Net report.

    SHARE Foundation

  • Nataša Kilibarda

    Nataša Kilibarda

    Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA)

    OSINT Analyst & Digital Forensics Investigator

    Nataša Kilibarda is a Science Communicator, OSINT researcher & Digital Forensics. Currently at CRTA (Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability) she is an OSINT Analyst and digital forensics investigator; fact-checker at Istinomer, and founder of NEURON. Kilibarda is also a co-founder of Women in Tech Serbia. in her earlier career she was a Foreign affairs advisor for the Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society – Digital Agenda Administration.

    Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA)

  • Nataša Šaric

    Nataša Šaric

    CIDR Serbia

    Country Director

    Nataša Šarić is the Country Director for the Critical Infrastructure Digitalization and Resilience (CIDR) program in Serbia, implemented by DAI and funded by USAID. With over 20 years of experience in international development, she has managed and led projects across Serbia, Southeast Europe, Asia, and Africa. Her work focuses on sustainable private sector development across diverse sectors, while also promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.

    CIDR Serbia

  • Nevena Ruzic

    Nevena Ruzic

    Privatnost i Javnost

    Data Protection Expert

    Nevena is an independent consultant in the field of information (privacy and personal data, freedom of expression and information, classified data, internet law and regulation), working with international organisations, foreign and domestic clients. She has published works on personal data protection, AI, internet regulation, and freedom of information. Amongst many, she authored or co-authored “Pravno uređenje interneta u Srbiji “ (in Eng. Internet Law in Serbia) (2023), “Nationalising General Data Protection Regulation in Western Balkans” and Challenges and opportunities at the intersection of data protection and artificial intelligence. Nevena coauthored an online course “Personal Data Protection in Publication of Judicial Decisions” available on the Council of Europe HELP Platform.  Nevena is a co-creator of series of educational videos available in Serbian only called “Soljica privatnosti sa Jelenom i Nevenom” (trans. “Cup of Privacy with Jelena and Nevena”).   She is a lawyer by profession and holds two masters – in contemporary diplomacy from the University of Malta and in law from the University of Leeds, UK.  She graduated from the School of Law University of Belgrade, Serbia. In 2019, Nevena was a candidate for Serbian Information Commissioner supported by more than 100 civil society organisations.

    Privatnost i Javnost

  • Octavian Șofransky

    Octavian Șofransky

    Council of Europe

    Digital Governance Advisor

    Octavian is currently acting as a Digital Governance Advisor in the Digital Development and Governance Department of the Council of Europe. He oversees the implementation of the Council of Europe Digital Agenda, coordinates relations with technology companies and their associations, members of the Digital Partnership of the Council of Europe, and  coordinates cooperation with internet governance forums and institutions. His experience at the Council of Europe also includes cooperation activities in the field of prevention and combating corruption and money-laundering, assessment of projects financed by the Council of Europe Development Bank, preparation of the organisational Programme of Activities and monitoring the implementation of projects of the IT investment portfolio. He holds a Master in European Studies from the College of Europe in Warsaw, Poland, a Master in Peace studies from the University of Castellon, Spain, and a Diploma in Architecture from the Chișinău Technical University, Moldova. 

    Council of Europe

  • Olga Kyryliuk

    Olga Kyryliuk


    Senior Advisor, Digital Governance

    Olga Kyryliuk is Senior Advisor for Digital Governance at Internews, and SEEDIG Chair. She has a PhD in international law and over 10 years of experience in the field of digital rights and internet governance. She is also serving on the UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) and Freedom Online Coalition Advisory Network (FOC AN). In 2020-2023, she served as a Europe Representative at ICANN NCUC Executive Committee.


  • Pablo Barrionuevo Huélamo

    Pablo Barrionuevo Huélamo

    Telefónica S.A.

    Head of Public Policy and Internet

    Lawyer with a Degree in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid and a Master’s Degree in Diplomacy and International Relations from the Diplomatic School of Madrid, Pablo specialises in the Regulation of the Telecommunications Sector, with extensive international experience in the development of Institutional Relations and Public Policies. He has collaborated as a speaker on topics of Regulation of Telecommunications with different academic institutions such as the Universidad Panamericana, Universidad Anáhuac, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México or the International University Menéndez Pelayo. Since December 2019, he has been responsible at Telefónica for the development of the European Green Deal regulatory package issued by the European Commission. He has recently been designated has Telefonica´s focal point to the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

    Telefónica S.A.

  • Ram Mohan

    Ram Mohan

    Identity Digital

    Chief Strategy Officer

    A seasoned executive with a strong strategy orientation, Ram works closely with the CEO, board members, and executives to achieve Identity Digital’s long-term vision. Ram served as COO and co-founder at Afilias, acquired by Donuts in 2020, where he launched the .INFO, .ORG and .IO registries, building the world’s second-largest domain name registry. Ram’s previous positions include Co-Founder of TurnTide (acquired by Symantec 2001) and COO of Infonautics (publicly traded Ed-Tech company). His board positions include Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace (GCSC) and ICANN (2008-2018). Ram also co-founded ICANN’s Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC). He is an inventor of nineteen U.S. patents in Internet technology, recipient of InfoWorld’s ‘Premier 100 Technology Leaders’ award, a CIO100 honoree, and Guinness World Record holder (2018).

    Identity Digital

  • Regina Filipová Fuchsová

    Regina Filipová Fuchsová


    Industry Relations Manager

    Regina Filipová Fuchsová has joined EURid, the .eu, .ею and .ευ registry, in 2007. She went through different roles in regional, registrar relations and business development management and last year she was appointed as the Industry Relations Manager. She is based in Prague. She holds a PhD in International Economic Relations from the University of Economics in Prague and a master degree in Law from the Palacky University in Olomouc, CZ. She completed a post-graduate master programme in European studies in Krems an der Donau, AT.


  • Samvel Martirosyan

    Samvel Martirosyan



    Samvel Martirosyan is a media expert and cyber security specialist. He is a co-founder of  CyberHUB, an Armenia-based organization that helps civil society address digital threats. He is a director of ArmSec Foundation. Martirosyan’s work focuses primarily on information security and hybrid threats. He is also the author of the Armenia Freedom on the Net report.


  • Snežana Nikčević

    Snežana Nikčević

    NGO 35mm

    Project Manager

    Snežana Nikčević currently leads civic involvement in digital transformation at NGO 35mm, and it is actively engaged in national and regional efforts related to the digital policies. As a producer with a background in media studies, she produced two features and one short film. Coordinated over a 100 A/V projects, including major production services for clients like BBC’s Top Gear, Toyota, Samsung, and Endemol Shine. A facilitator and an educator in the fields of culture and digital development, Snežana is also a Research group member at the Center for AI and Digital Policy, and an alumna of several skills development programs, including Swedish Institute’s Collaborative Governance in the Digital Era Program, British Council’s Creative Producers Program, etc.

    NGO 35mm

  • Svetlana Rakic

    Svetlana Rakic

    AI & Discrimination

    Senior Project Officer

    As part of the Council of Europe’s Inclusion and Anti-discrimination Programmes Division, Svetlana is coordinating project on “Combating discrimination and promoting diversity in Serbia” focused on providing continuous support to the legislative and policy reforms aimed at combating discrimination and protecting the rights of national/ethnic/linguistic minorities and other vulnerable social groups, including youth, Roma, and LGBTI persons. Before joining current role, Svetlana was with the United Nations, working on reconciliation, social cohesion and community development. Holder of Master’s degree in Cultural Policy and Management (Interculturalism and Mediation in the Balkans) / UNESCO chair.

    AI & Discrimination

  • Tanja Jakobi

    Tanja Jakobi

    Public Policy Research Centre

    Executive Director

    Tanja Jakobi is the executive director of the Public Policy Research Center. She is currently focused on the impact on new technologies on the labour market, labour contracts, and unionization. Tanja writes about the digital economy and new forms of work such as online and on-location platform work, and remote work and related questions of privacy of data in the era of the rise of the artificial intelligence at work.  She holds MAs in business journalism from Baruch College (US) and BA in philosophy from the University of Belgrade (Serbia).

    Public Policy Research Centre

  • Teona Turashvili

    Teona Turashvili

    Independent Researcher

    Teona Turashvili is the Head of Local Government, Civic Tech and Innovations Directions for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI), a Georgian organization that supports the development of an informed and empowered society for democratic governance. She is also the author of the Georgia Freedom on the Net report.

    Independent Researcher

  • Vasja Križmančič

    Vasja Križmančič

    2S Computers / Karsolink


    Formerly a sound engineer with a degree from the SAE School of Ljubljana, Vasja has worked in IT and networking for more than twenty years. In 2018, Vasja helped to rebuild the Karsolink network, running it as a CTO and company co-owner.

    2S Computers / Karsolink

  • Vladan Ivanović

    Vladan Ivanović


    Analysts Team Leader

    Vladan Ivanović is a professor of economics at the University of Kragujevac (Serbia), a fellow at CERGE-EI Foundation (Prague, Czech Republic), and holds PhD degrees in economics from the University of Kragujevac, Serbia, and the University of Hohenheim, Germany. He is a chief research analyst by the Center for Society and Technology, Belgrade, and one of the co-creators of the Gigmetar. Vladan Ivanovic served as an Erasmus Plus Ambassador (2022-2024) and Vice-Dean for International Cooperation at the Faculty of Economics University of Kragujevac (2016-2018). He was a scholar and winner of numerous national and international rewards (Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Germany), Foundation “Mihailo Pupin” (USA), Foundation „Studenica“ (USA), European Movement in Serbia and Austrian Embassy, Found „Academic Dragoslav Srejovic”, Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden, the University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Economics the University of Kragujevac), while furthering his research at the University of Harvard, MIT and the University of Oslo. He is the author of more than 90 scientific papers and technical reports, on issues related to (international political) economy, institutional economics, the economics of innovation and technological change with strong expertise in applied economic analysis. During his career, he was a guest professor at several European universities (Krakow University of Economics, Poland; ILIA State University, Georgia; Mendel University, Czech Republic), and lecturer and trainee in numerous seminars and schools in Serbia and abroad. He was a consultant on many domestic and international projects supported and/or implemented by various institutions (World Bank, USAID, European Union, Olaf Palme, WeGlobal, Western Balkan Found, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Center for Public Policy Research, ICT HUB, Foundation Center for Democracy, Open Society Fund, COST Action, Erasmus Foundation).


  • Yana Ghahramanyan

    Yana Ghahramanyan


    Threat Researcher

    Yana Ghahramanyan  works with CyberHUB as a Penetration Tester and DevOps engineer. She has 14 years of experience in network and system administration, including as part of her work as a Network Administrator for the American University of Armenia, UWC school in Dilijan, DevOps engeneer at Converse Bank. As part of her work with CyberHUB Ms Ghahramanyan has become increasingly interested in developing malware research and cyber security training curricula.


  • Zoran Kalinic

    Zoran Kalinic

    University of Kragujevac

    Professor at Faculty of Economics

    Zoran Kalinic is a Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, Serbia and holds a PhD degree in Software Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac. He has been involved in several, both national and international, projects related to the different aspects of information-communication technologies. Also, he has taught as a Guest Lecturer at Cracow University of Economics, Poland; University of Maribor, Slovenia; University of Evora, Portugal; Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, Finland; Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania; University of Economics in Katowice, Poland; University of Jordan in Amman, Jordan, etc. Zoran Kalinic is the author/co-author of more than 120 scientific papers and monograph chapters, of which more than 20 papers were published in highly important scientific journals with impact factor. From 2019 he is with Center for Society and Technology, Belgrade (previously Public Policy Research Center), where he is mainly working on Gigmetar – the instrument developed to describe the characteristics of freelancers in Serbia and South East Europe. His current research interests include digital transformation, digital labor market, e-business, mobile and e-commerce, and the application of artificial intelligence techniques in business and management.

    University of Kragujevac

As a pre-event to SEEDIG 9, we held the Youth School - a dedicated capacity-building program for university students and young professionals from South Eastern Europe, aimed at equipping them with essential knowledge and skills in Internet governance.

