Moderator in session:
→ (S4.1) Accessible, available and affordable digital technologies for all
Stakeholder group: Private sector
SEEDIG Executive Committee | Member
Dušan Caf has in-depth experience in technology and public policy. He is a founder of the Digital Society Forum, a Slovenian digital think-tank, which connects experts and leaders in addressing the challenges of today’s society. The forum sparks intellectual inquiry and exchange and provides a platform for reaching solutions on vital digital society policy, regulation and governance issues. It also provides a platform for connecting stakeholders from advocacy, academia and industry dedicated to accessibility that collaborate on creating a more inclusive digital society. Additionally, it facilitates the cooperation of national bodies in the area of digital accessibility with international organisations, including the International Telecommunications Union.
Dušan served as chairman of the Council of the Agency for Communications Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia and chaired the National Electronic Communications Council, appointed by the National Assembly to provide advice and directions on the development of electronic communications in Slovenia. Under his leadership, the national council issued dozens of statements and position papers on key policy issues, including net neutrality, accessibility of information and communications, accessibility of television broadcasting and audiovisual media services, as well as privacy and security of communications.
He also served in senior positions at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Slovenian Information Technology Industry Association and Telekom Slovenije. He was a member of supervisory boards in industry and NGOs. He led digital transformation and corporate strategy projects aimed at organisational growth. He was also in charge of public policy and government affairs leading cross-organisational teams.
He was a fellow at Faculties of Information Science and Applied Social Studies, fellow at Jožef Stefan Institute and a visiting researcher at Loughborough University. He was also a lecturer in cybersecurity and digital transformation.
Dušan holds a diploma degree in electrical engineering from the University of Maribor, a master’s degree in electrical engineering and a doctorate degree in computer science, both from the University of Ljubljana, following postgraduate research work in Slovenia and the United Kingdom.