SEE Potential:
Digital Turning Points & Responsible Governance
25-26 November 2024
Mona Plaza Hotel
Belgrade, Serbia
About SEEDIG 9
The SEEDIG Annual Meeting is the flagship event of the South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance (SEEDIG), uniting regional stakeholders to address critical digital policy and internet governance issues. With the overarching theme SEE Potential: Digital Turning Points and Responsible Governance, SEEDIG 9 highlighted South Eastern Europe’s role in fostering inclusive and accountable digital policies. Conducted on 25-26 November 2024 in Belgrade, Serbia, and online, the event offered dynamic sessions, expert panels, and valuable networking opportunities aimed at shaping the region’s digital future.
SEEDIG 9 served as a collaborative platform for policymakers, civil society, technical community, private sector, and academia to tackle regional digital challenges and promote inclusive growth.

SEEDIG 9 Messages
Day 1 - 25 November

Day 2 - 26 November

SEEDIG 9 Statistics

SEEDIG 9 Recordings
- Day 1
- Day 2
- November 25, 2024
- 9:00am Registration & Welcome Coffee9:00am – 10:00am
- 10:00am Opening Remarks10:00am – 10:40am
- Olga Kyryliuk | Chair of SEEDIG Executive Committee
- Jan Braathu | Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia
- Brankica Janković | Commissioner for Protection of Equality of the Republic of Serbia
- Anja Gengo | Associate Programme Expert and NRI Focal Point | UN IGF Secretariat
- Đorđo Cvijović | Local Program Officer | Regional Youth Cooperation Office
- 10:40am Panel Discussion | Council of Europe Digital Agenda in Action10:40am – 11:40amSpeakers: Cesare Pitea, Daniel Cuciurianu, Nevena Ruzic, Octavian Șofransky, Svetlana Rakic
Session Host: Council of Europe
Council of Europe Digital Agenda is focused on developing universal legal standards for internet and digital governance, also providing capacity building programmes in South-East European countries. The panel discussion will showcase the current priorities from the global, European, and SEE perspectives. Speakers will cover action on cybercrime, AI and anti-discrimination, data protection, the latest online safety policies and the Metaverse. The audience will learn firsthand from practitioners on current actions, challenges and opportunities and will be able to interact with speakers in a Q&A session.
- 11:40am Coffee Break11:40am – 12:00pm
- 12:00pm Keynote Speech | Global Digital Compact and SEE Region12:00pm – 12:30pmSpeakers: Isabel de Sola
- 12:30pm Lightning Talk | Key Insights from the IDN World Report 202412:30pm – 1:00pmSpeakers: Regina Filipová Fuchsová
Session Host: EURid
This session will explore the pivotal findings from the IDN World Report 2024, offering an overview of the global landscape for Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs), with an emphasis on country code top-level domains (ccTLDs). Attendees will also gain insights from selected case studies that highlight diverse experiences of ccTLDs in implementing IDNs.
- 1:00pm Lunch Break1:00pm – 2:00pm
- 2:00pm Fireside Chat | What is CODI?2:00pm – 2:45pmSpeakers: Christian Dawson, Dušan Stojičević, Ram Mohan
What is the Coalition for Digital Inclusion (CODI), and why is it essential? What are its goals, and who are its members? This session will answer these questions and more, highlighting why our focus should extend far beyond Universal Acceptance and IDN domains.
- 2:45pm Panel Discussion | IPv6 Uptake in SEE Region: Challenges and Opportunities2:45pm – 3:45pmSpeakers: Alena Muravska, Desiree Miloševič, Jan Žorž, Jaromir Novak, Vasja Križmančič
Session Host: RIPE NCC
The session will focus on IPv6 uptake in the SEE region. First it will set up the scene with background information on IPv6 and the situation in the SEE region, followed by a panel discussion among top experts and practitioners in the region.
- 3:45pm Coffee Break3:45pm – 4:00pm
- 4:00pm Panel Discussion | A Deep Dive into Internet Freedom: Lessons from Freedom on the Net 20244:00pm – 5:00pmSpeakers: Grant Baker, Mila Bajic, Olga Kyryliuk, Samvel Martirosyan, Teona Turashvili
Session Host: Freedom House
The 2024 edition of Freedom on the Net found that internet freedom declined for a 14th consecutive year as censorship and content manipulation were combined to sway elections, undermining voters’ ability to make informed decisions, fully participate in the electoral process, and have their voices heard. During this interactive session, the authors of the Armenia, Georgia, Serbia, and Ukraine Freedom on the Net country reports will review global findings and recent digital rights developments in their respective countries, diving into the varied internet freedom landscapes across the region. They will also discuss how to protect election integrity in the digital age and share how findings can be leveraged for advocacy at the national and regional levels.
- 7:00pm SEEDIG 9 After Hours: Networking & DJ Beats7:00pm – 12:00am
Venue: Dorćol Platz, Dobračina 59b
- November 26, 2024
- 10:00am Panel Discussion | Investigative Media Findings on Digital Rights and Freedoms Violations in SEE Region10:00am – 11:00amSpeakers: Aida Mahmutović, Maja Ćalović, Nataša Kilibarda
Session Host: Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN)
This session will explore findings from a two-year monitoring of digital rights and freedoms violations in the region, including daily mapping, media reporting, and investigations that highlight human rights violations in the digital space. Panelists will discuss emerging trends with regional and international experts, concluding with a clear roadmap from activists and CSO leaders. The discussion aims to serve as an advocacy tool for government officials, outlining the strategic benefits of advancing digital rights. Balkan Investigative Reporting Network’s second regional report on digital rights will be published ahead of SEEDIG 2024, with key findings presented.
- 11:00am Panel Discussion | Navigating Global and National Labor Markets: What Gigmeter Reveals about Serbian Online Platform Workers11:00am – 11:45amSpeakers: Branka Andjelkovic, Ljubivoje Radonjic, Tanja Jakobi, Vladan Ivanović, Zoran Kalinic
Session Host: Public Policy Research Centre
This session will introduce Gigmeter, an innovative tool designed to measure the characteristics of online platform work in South Eastern Europe. Recognized as a vital information source for policymakers, researchers, media, and online platform workers alike, Gigmeter offers critical insights into this evolving labor landscape. The presentation will outline the methodology behind this research and share the latest findings on the activities of online platform workers in Serbia.
- 11:45am Coffee Break11:45am – 12:00pm
- 12:00pm Public-Private Policy Dialogue | Council of Europe Digital Partnership with Business12:00pm – 1:00pmSpeakers: Angela Coriz, Irene Kitsara, Jaromir Novak, Magda Irimia, Octavian Șofransky, Pablo Barrionuevo Huélamo
Session Host: Council of Europe
Council of Europe Digital Agenda includes a dialogue with leading technology companies and associations on protecting human rights and democracy online. The speakers will elaborate on the ongoing cooperation with the Council of Europe, other public-private frameworks, and on their organization focus within the digital governance agenda. A special attention will be given to initiatives in South-Eastern Europe. The audience will be able to interact with speakers in a Q&A session.
- 1:00pm Lunch Break1:00pm – 2:00pm
- 2:00pm Keynote Dialogue | AI & Emerging Tech: Preventing Misuse and Advancing Regulation2:00pm – 2:45pmSpeakers: Hon. Abdelouhab Yagoubi, Hon. Tijana Davidovac
Session Host: Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM)
This session will explore the urgent need for stronger regulatory frameworks for AI and emerging technologies at both national and international levels. With the growing risk of malicious use by criminal and terrorist groups, participants will discuss strategies for effective regulation to enhance security and mitigate threats associated with these advanced technologies.
- 2:45pm Workshop | Cyber Attacks Against Civil Society as a Critical Issue2:45pm – 3:30pmSpeakers: Samvel Martirosyan, Yana Ghahramanyan
Session Host: CyberHUB
The session will outline the primary cyber attack strategies used by state-sponsored hacking groups and cyber mercenaries against civil society. In addition, it will present potential digital resistance protocols to counter these threats.
- 3:30pm Coffee Break3:30pm – 3:45pm
- 3:45pm Panel Discussion | Bridging the Gender Gap: Advancing Cybersecurity Careers for Women in South Eastern Europe3:45pm – 4:15pmSpeakers: Dragan Lončarski, Jelena Jovanović, Liljana Pecova, Nataša Šaric
Session Host: Critical Infrastructure Digitalization and Resilience (CIDR) program, implemented by DAI and funded by USAID
This presentation will highlight the progress and initiatives of the Cyber Pathways for Women (CPW) project in North Macedonia and Serbia, focusing on empowering women to pursue careers in cybersecurity. Speakers will showcase key achievements such as the establishment of national task forces, development of cybersecurity career pathways, and collaboration with private sector partners, educational institutions, and government agencies. A key focus will be on the tailor-made approaches adopted in North Macedonia and Serbia, where different strategies have been customized to address the unique needs in each country.
- 4:15pm Panel Discussion | Digital Regulation in Transition: Preparing the Western Balkans for the DSA and DMA4:15pm – 5:15pmSpeakers: Ana Toskić Cvetinović, Gentjan Skara, Ivan Bošković, Maida Ćulahović, Snežana Nikčević
Session Host: NGO 35mm
As non-EU member states, the Western Balkans are at a juncture in their digital regulatory journey. The Digital Services Act (DSA) and Digital Markets Act (DMA) require WB countries to engage in a thoughtful process of legislative adaptation and transposition. This panel will discuss the implications of these regulations for the region, focusing on how to build regulatory capacity and institutions that can handle the demands of the DSA and DMA. Experts will provide insights on what technical and legal adjustments are necessary, how businesses can prepare for new digital market rules, and what role civil society and regional cooperation can play in this transition. The discussion will emphasize a collaborative, forward-looking approach to ensure that the region stays aligned with EU digital standards and remains competitive in the global digital economy.
- 5:15pm Closing Remarks5:15pm – 5:30pm
Speakers for this event
Aida Mahmutović
Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN)
Alena Muravska
Ana Toskić Cvetinović
Partners Serbia
Angela Coriz
Connect Europe
Branka Andjelkovic
Public Policy Research Centre
Cesare Pitea
Council of Europe
Christian Dawson
Daniel Cuciurianu
Council of Europe
Desiree Miloševič
Dragan Lončarski
Dušan Stojičević
Gentjan Skara
Department of Law – Epoka University
Grant Baker
Freedom House
Hon. Abdelouhab Yagoubi
Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM)
Hon. Tijana Davidovac
Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM)
Irene Kitsara
Vienna Global Office of IEEE Standards Association
Isabel de Sola
Office of Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology (OSET)
Ivan Bošković
IT Advanced Services
Jan Žorž
6connect Labs
Jaromir Novak
EuroISPA Partner for Regulatory Affairs at CZ.NIC
Jelena Jovanović
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia
Liljana Pecova
CIDR North Macedonia
Ljubivoje Radonjic
State University of Novi Pazar
Magda Irimia
Microsoft Corporation
Maida Ćulahović
CA ”Why Not”
Maja Ćalović
Mediacentar Sarajevo
Mila Bajic
SHARE Foundation
Nataša Kilibarda
Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA)
Nataša Šaric
CIDR Serbia
Nevena Ruzic
Privatnost i Javnost
Octavian Șofransky
Council of Europe
Olga Kyryliuk
Pablo Barrionuevo Huélamo
Telefónica S.A.
Ram Mohan
Identity Digital
Regina Filipová Fuchsová
Samvel Martirosyan
Snežana Nikčević
NGO 35mm
Svetlana Rakic
AI & Discrimination
Tanja Jakobi
Public Policy Research Centre
Teona Turashvili
Independent Researcher
Vasja Križmančič
2S Computers / Karsolink
Vladan Ivanović
Yana Ghahramanyan
Zoran Kalinic
University of Kragujevac
Registration & Sponsorship
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