SEEDIG 7 Series
SEE brain netting: How to build more inclusive and
efficient Internet governance? | 15 October 2021
Event description
SEEDIG is inviting all interested stakeholders to a brainstorming event with the United Nations Secretariat of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and South-Eastern European (SEE) national IGF initiatives on improving the efficiency of IGF processes and transforming them from once-a-year same-people-talking-same-things events into permanently operational platforms that bring together problem owners and decision owners. Challenges amplified by digital transformation are touching upon every country in the world. We believe that approaching them with some regional sense of togetherness might give better results and so needed community support.
Lack of substantive progress in developing partnerships between all stakeholders in the Internet governance (IG) ecosystem inevitably leads to burnout of volunteers. IGFs are in massive need of refreshing their communities and getting more substantial implementation support for the outcomes of their discussions. Therefore, the event aims to map the SEE experience in multiplying the multistakeholder Internet governance model with a view to country-specific context and challenges. We will also host colleagues from other regions to hear about their experiences and best practices.
Lack of substantive progress in developing partnerships between all stakeholders in the Internet governance (IG) ecosystem inevitably leads to burnout of volunteers. IGFs are in massive need of refreshing their communities and getting more substantial implementation support for the outcomes of their discussions. Therefore, the event aims to map the SEE experience in multiplying the multistakeholder Internet governance model with a view to country-specific context and challenges. We will also host colleagues from other regions to hear about their experiences and best practices.
Who should attend?
Join our Brain Netting event if you know or look for the answers to at least one of the following questions:
What has been achieved since the first IGF was launched in SEE and SEEDIG was created some seven years ago?
What are the challenges of building a multistakeholder IG model in SEE compared to other regions?
What worked well, and what has to be changed to keep existent IG fora relevant and equally attractive for all stakeholder groups?
How to shift from problem-mapping to problem-solving in Internet governance?
Is a bottom-up approach to Internet governance losing momentum, or is there a way to revitalise its potential for a better digital future?
How mature and ready are the SEE countries for the digital transformation towards sustainable governance of the Internet?
Event moderator: Andrea Beccalli | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
15:00–15:20 CEST | From IG past to IG future: achievements and challenges of global and regional IGF initiatives
15:20–15:40 CEST | Case studies from national IGF initiatives in the SEE+ and beyond
15:40–16:10 CEST | Facilitated brainstorming in breakout groups
1. What makes your IGF initiative exceptional compared to others? What would you advise colleagues to try as a best practice?
2. What are your three biggest satisfactions and frustrations since you got engaged in a national/regional IGF?
3. What could we do differently to move forward and achieve better efficiency of IGF initiatives?
16:10–16:20 CEST | Presenting and summarising key takeaways in the main room
16:20–17:00 CEST | Capacity-building workshop on strengthening regional and inter-regional cooperation between IGF initiatives
▫️Rinalia Abdul Rahim | Internet Society (ISOC)
15:00–15:20 CEST | From IG past to IG future: achievements and challenges of global and regional IGF initiatives
- ▫️Anja Gengo | UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Secretariat
- ▫️Jennifer Chung | Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) Secretariat
- ▫️Sandra Hoferichter | European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG)
- ▫️Olga Kyryliuk | South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance (SEEDIG)
15:20–15:40 CEST | Case studies from national IGF initiatives in the SEE+ and beyond
- ▫️Mattia Fantinati | Italy IGF
- ▫️Andres Tarto | Estonia IGF
- ▫️Harimino Rakotondrainibe | IGF Madagascar
- ▫️Ilona Stadnik | Russian IGF
- ▫️Charalampos Kyritsis | IGF Greece
15:40–16:10 CEST | Facilitated brainstorming in breakout groups
1. What makes your IGF initiative exceptional compared to others? What would you advise colleagues to try as a best practice?
2. What are your three biggest satisfactions and frustrations since you got engaged in a national/regional IGF?
3. What could we do differently to move forward and achieve better efficiency of IGF initiatives?
16:10–16:20 CEST | Presenting and summarising key takeaways in the main room
16:20–17:00 CEST | Capacity-building workshop on strengthening regional and inter-regional cooperation between IGF initiatives
▫️Rinalia Abdul Rahim | Internet Society (ISOC)
United Nations Secretariat of the Internet Governance Forum
The overall coordination and support to the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and its Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) is provided by the IGF Secretariat, which resides at the UN Office in Geneva. In UN terms, the IGF Secretariat is an extra-budgetary project financed through voluntary contributions from the multistakeholder community. Its terms of reference are laid out in its project document.