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Dear SEEDIG Community and Newcomers, 

When we first brought up the idea of SEEDIG 8, it seemed so vague and far. But here we are – only one month away from hosting all of you in charming Zagreb. After two long years of online meetings and a gap year due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it’s finally time to reunite, connect, and engage face-to-face. This time, we’re going fully IN PERSON! While highly appreciating the technological opportunities to continue collaboration remotely, we strongly believe that no Zoom or Microsoft Teams meeting can substitute that feeling when you enter a noisy registration area, grab your badge, and while searching for the first coffee doping of the day catch the smile of colleague from another part of the region (who by the way still looks so much nicer than in Zoom 🙂 ). And then you see many more faces and smiles, take a seat somewhere in the middle of the conference room not to be too close in case you need to respond to urgent emails but close enough in case the conversation on the stage is too heated and you cannot help to share your own opinion. And while we know that it is networking that overweighs the value of all sessions, we invested our best efforts to make this year’s agenda slightly different and more engaging. 

At SEEDIG 8, our agenda is carefully curated to provide a diverse and engaging experience for all participants. We’ve designed it around a mix of dynamic formats, each offering a unique perspective and interaction style.

Panel discussions will offer a platform for in-depth discussions, diverse viewpoints, and a chance to gain valuable insights from the brightest minds in the field. Our workshops are hands-on and interactive. They empower attendees to actively participate, collaborate, and problem-solve. You’ll have the opportunity to dive into practical aspects, share experiences, and learn new skills. Short, powerful, and straight to the point lightning talks are designed to spark inspiration and showcase best case studies of initiatives from across the region.

We’ve also taken care of creating spaces where you will have the opportunity to network and connect in an informal atmosphere. At SEEDIG 8, we will hold the Business Dating networking event providing a platform to share your projects, and explore potential partnerships. It’s not about exchanging business cards, it’s about building relationships. It’s a place for informal presentations and discussions, allowing you to learn from others and share your own insights.

Beyond networking, we encourage brainstorming. We want to hear your thoughts on what you’d like to see at the next SEEDIG meeting, as well as ideas for intersectional activities throughout the year. It’s a collaborative effort to shape the future of SEEDIG together. We believe in the power of connections. This networking is a hub for identifying potential speakers, discussing topics of interest, and finding connections that can propel your projects and initiatives forward.

Moreover, during SEEDIG 8 we will present our new strategy and vision for the future of SEEDIG, and we hope to hear a lot of constructive feedback.

SEEDIG has always been about bringing our community together, and this year is no exception! Whether you’ve been a part of SEEDIG since the beginning or it’s the first time you’ve heard this 6-letters abbreviation, we want YOU to join us.

For two days, on 6 and 7 November, we warmly welcome all our SEEDIG friends and partners to join us at WESPA. It may sound trivial, but the future of internet governance in South Eastern Europe depends on our collective efforts. We extend our hand in partnership and cooperation, and we’re looking forward to the opportunity to shake hands with you. 

We cannot wait to see you at SEEDIG 8.

With warm regards and anticipation,

SEEDIG Executive Committee