Multistakeholder Association
“South Eastern European Dialogue on
Internet Governance”
According to Articles 11 and 12 of the Law on Associations ( “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, No. 51/09), the inaugural meeting held on 8 May 2023, in Belgrade, adopted Statute of the Multistakeholder Association “South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance”.
Table of Contents
Article 1
Field of Activity
Multistakeholder Association “South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance” (hereinafter – “Association”) is a voluntary, nongovernmental, non-profit association, established for an indefinite period of time to achieve the objectives in the field of internet governance, technology, digital policy and human rights in the region of South Eastern Europe.
The Association operates in a transparent and accountable manner, and is guided by the principles of openness, multistakeholderism, inclusiveness, diversity, and neutrality.
Article 2
The objectives of the Association are:
- Raise awareness and promote better understanding of Internet governance, technology, digital policy and human rights among all relevant stakeholders in South Eastern Europe, including governments, private sector, civil society, technical community, academia, intergovernmental organizations, etc.
- Build and strengthen capacity of all relevant stakeholders to actively and meaningfully participate in national, regional and global discussions and decision-making processes on Internet governance, technology, digital policy and human rights
- Facilitate an open, inclusive, and multistakeholder dialogue and cooperation on issues related to Internet governance, technology, digital policy and human rights in South Eastern Europe
- Contribute to establishing and/or strengthening coordination and collaboration between Internet governance and human rights communities in the region of South Eastern Europe and the pan-European and global internet governance communities and processes
- Support a sustainable and inclusive digital advancement of South Eastern Europe
- Foster innovation and entrepreneurship in the digital economy of South Eastern Europe
- Promote the use of emerging technologies for the benefit of the region;
- Advocate for the protection of personal data and privacy rights of individuals in the region
- Promote digital inclusion and accessibility for marginalized communities and individuals in the region
Article 3
To achieve its objectives the Association can conduct the following activities:
- Organize and facilitate regional conferences, workshops, training sessions, and other similar events to promote awareness and understanding of Internet governance, technology, digital policy, and human rights
- Develop and maintain an online platform for information-sharing, discussions, and collaboration among stakeholders
- Engage in research, policy analysis, and advocacy on Internet governance, technology, digital policy, and human rights issues in South Eastern Europe
- Provide technical expert assistance, support, and consultancy to stakeholders in the region to enhance their capacity to participate in national, regional, and global Internet governance processes and decision-making
- Conduct outreach and awareness-raising campaigns targeted at the general public, particularly underrepresented groups such as women, youth, and marginalized communities, to promote digital literacy and inclusion
- Design and implement capacity-building programs, including youth schools and fellowship programs
- Foster collaboration and cooperation between stakeholders from different sectors, including government, civil society, private sector, technical community, and academia, to promote multistakeholder dialogue and cooperation on Internet governance issues
- Work closely with national, regional and international organizations and initiatives to promote coordination and collaboration on Internet governance issues
- Develop and disseminate policy recommendations, best practices, books, and guidelines on Internet governance, technology, digital policy, and human rights issues in South Eastern Europe
- Publish newsletters with regular updates on issues related to Internet governance, technology, digital policy, and human rights in South Eastern Europe
- Conduct surveys to measure public opinion;
- Establish and maintain partnerships with relevant stakeholders, including national, regional and international organizations, academic institutions, and private sector entities, to promote knowledge-sharing, capacity-building, and innovation in the field of Internet governance, technology, digital policy, and human rights
- Monitor and analyze developments and trends in Internet governance, technology, digital policy, and human rights at the national, regional, and global levels, and provide timely updates and analysis to stakeholders in the region
- Join federations and/or other associations;
- Conduct other similar activities in compliance with this Statute and laws of the Republic of Serbia
Article 4
Name and Seat
Name of the Association is: Dijalog o upravljanju internetom jugoistoÄŤne Evrope.
Name of the Association in English: South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance.
The Association has its seat in Belgrade, New Belgrade, Str. Milentija Popovica 32a, Republic of Serbia.
The Association performs its activities on the territory of the South Eastern Europe. For the objectives of this Association and in accordance with internationally recognised geographical classifications, the region of South Eastern Europe includes the following 17 countries:
Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey, and Ukraine.
Article 5
Membership Application and Termination
Membership in the Association is open to individuals and organizations that support the Association’s objectives and principles and who have demonstrated a high level of continuous engagement in activities of the South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance since 2014 when it was launched as an informal initiative.
The Managing Board has the power to admit members to the Association and to define the criteria and procedures for such admission.
Interested individuals and organizations can apply for membership, which is subject to approval by the Managing Board. Alternatively, the Managing Board has a right to initiate membership invite to individuals and organizations whose contribution has been instrumental to support association activities and operations since 2014.
The Managing Board can create different categories of membership, each with its own rights and obligations.
A member can leave the Association by sending an email notification to the Managing Board.
Membership in the Association can be terminated upon the decision of the Managing Board due to violation by a member of the Statute, prolonged inactivity, damaging Association’s reputation, and in other cases of non-compliance with the Association’s acts. A member must be given an opportunity to explain the reasons, which led to the termination of membership.
Article 6
Rights, Obligations and Responsibilities
of Members
A member of the Association has the right to:
- Participate on an equal footing with other members in achieving the objectives of the Association
- Attend the General Assembly meetings and participate in decision-making
- Elect and be elected to the Managing Board
- Be promptly and fully informed about the activities of the Association.
A member is obliged to:
- Actively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Association
- Participate, in accordance with his/her interests in the activities of the Association
- Comply with the Statute and decisions adopted by the Association’s governance
bodies - Perform other tasks as they are defined by the Association’s governance bodies.
Membership fees and other financial contributions may be introduced to support Association’s activities, as determined by the Association’s governance bodies.
Article 7
Governance Bodies
The Association governance bodies are the General Assembly and the Managing Board. The Association is represented by the Chair of the Managing Board (hereinafter – “Board Chair”).
In his/her absence, Vice-Chair of the Managing Board represents the Associaion.
To streamline the preparations of the association annual meeting the Managing Board creates a dedicated Program Committee following an open call for applications from among members of the Association and broader community. The members of the Program Commitee are selected annualy based on criteria laid down by the Managing Board. The Program Committee appoints its own Chair.
The Managing Board can create a permanent secretariat for providing administrative and logistical support to the governance bodies of the Association.
Article 8
General Assembly
The General Assembly of the Association consists of all members approved by the Managing Board in accordance with the membership criteria set forth in this statute.
The General Assembly meets at least once a year in conjunction with the Association’s annual meeting. An extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly can be convened upon a decision of the Managing Board or a substantiated written request of at least onethird of the Association’s members submitted to the Managing Board and specifying the issues, which should be considered. An extraordinary meeting must be held within 30 days following the day of the respective request submission.
The General Assembly meeting is scheduled by the Board Chair after consultation with the Managing Board with subsequent publication of the place, time, and draft agenda. The meeting is chaired by the Board Chair.
The General Assembly shall have the following powers:
1. To approve and amend the Statute of the Association
2. To elect and remove members of the Managing Board
3. To approve annual report of the Managing Board
4. To approve the strategic plan and work program of the Association
5. To decide on membership fee
6. To dissolve the Association, in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Statute
Decisions of the General Assembly shall be made by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting (in person or via video conference call), provided that a quorum of at least half of the members is present. In the absence of a quorum, the General Assembly may be postponed for a period of up to two weeks, at which time a quorum shall not be required.
Article 9
Managing Board
The Managing Board is the executive body of the Association responsible for its general management. The Managing Board has the power to make decisions on all matters related to the Association’s objectives, subject to the limitations set forth in this Statute.
The Managing Board has three members elected and recalled by the General Assembly. The mandate of the members of the Managing Board is three years, with the possibility of reelection. The members of the Managing Board are elected from among the members of the Association who have demonstrated a high level of engagement in our activities. The Managing Board elects Chair and Vice-Chair among its members. The Board Chair is responsible for representing the Association in all matters and for chairing the meetings of the Managing Board and the General Assembly.
The Managing Board shall have all necessary powers to manage the affairs of the Association, in particular, the Managing Board:
1. Is responsible for the strategic planning of the Association, including setting long-term goals and objectives, developing the strategic plan, and monitoring progress towards achieving those goals
2. Conducts operational management of the Association
3. Oversees the governance of the Association, ensuring compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies, reviewing and approving by-laws, policies, and procedures, and establishing committees, working groups and other bodies as might be necessary to carry out the Association’s activities
4. Is responsible for financial management of the Association, including developing and approving the annual budget, and overseeing the fundraising and financial sustainability of the Association
5. Engages with stakeholders, including members, partners, and the wider community, to promote the Association’s mission and activities, build relationships, and gather feedback
6. Represents Association externally, including by participating in relevant meetings and events, speaking on behalf of the Association, and promoting the Association’s mission and activities
7. Makes decisions on behalf of the Association, including approving policies and procedures, as well as making decisions related to the Association’s governance, finances, and operations
8. Organises regular activities of the Association
9. Decides on admission and exclusion of members of the Association
10. Performs other tasks according to the laws of the Rupublic of Serbia and this Statute
Article 10
The work of the Association is public.
The Managing Board provides regular information to the members and the public about the work and activities of the Association, directly or through online publications, press releases, public statements, website, or in any other appropriate manner.
The annual reports on the activities of the Association shall be submitted to the members of the General Assembly prior to its annual meeting.
Article 11
Funds and Assets
The Association can obtain funds and assets from membership fees, charity, voluntary contributions, donations, gifts, grants, subsidies and in any other way not prohibited by the law.
The Association may obtain funds from registration fees for its events in the field of activity of the Association.
Association assets can be used only for accomplishing its statutory goals.
Article 12
Association is liable for its obligations with its entire property.
Association members can be personally liable for Association obligations, if they act with Association property as if it was their own or if they abuse the Association for illicit or fraudulent purposes.
Article 13
The Association ceases its work upon the decision of the General Assembly when there are no conditions for achieving the objectives of the Association, as well as in other cases provided by the law.
In case of dissolution, the General Assembly shall decide on the transfer of the remaining assets of the Association in accordance with the law.
Article 14
The Association has a round stamp inscribed with the full name of the Association in Serbian and English.The Association can have its logo and other relevant symbols to make its identity visually recognizable.
Article 15
Applicable Law
Any acts, if adopted by the Association, must comply with the Statute. If any provision of such act contradicts the Statute, such provision is null and void.
All matters not regulated by this Statute shall comply with the provisions of the Law on Associations.
Article 16
Final Provisions
This Statute enters into force on the day of its adoption at the inaugural meeting of the Association.
The first Managing Board is comprised of the Association’s founding members who will exercise their powers during the initial three years and can be reelected subject to the General Assembly voting.