SEEDIG 7 Series
Your 2021 digital agenda
SEEtalk: Interview with a legend
Mirjana Tasić | Internet Pioneer, Advisor at RNIDS
SEE brain netting: How to build more inclusive and efficient Internet governance?
About the SEEDIG 7 series
What to expect
Remember you told us that SEEDIG 6 was your outstanding experience with online meetings when we were locked in our homes for the first time last year? We took it seriously and continue innovating by transforming our annual meeting into a brand new series of online events, SEEDIG 7 Series, to be held on a rolling basis throughout 2021.
SEEDIG will mark its seventh anniversary with seven events delivered to your home or office; it will also surprise you with new partnerships and topics that are not effectively covered elsewhere. Given your busy schedules and – we assume – exhaustion from never-ending panel discussions, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to help take care of your 2021 digital agenda.
The SEEDIG 7 Series will feature keynote speeches by prominent digital and technology experts, followed by interactive community discussions and networking sessions. Instead of delivering long presentations, our speakers will be sharing their hands-on experience and addressing your practical concerns. We invite you to join our events and shape the digital future of our region.
Throughout 2021
Online | Delivered to your home and office

Our goal this year is to improve cooperation on digital matters in the region and inspire concrete partnerships between various stakeholders to make our region digitally attractive, competitive and sustainable.
In the interest of keeping our community safe, all SEEDIG 7 Series events will be held online, via Zoom. Registration will be required for each event.
Want to partner with us for SEEDIG 7 Series? Drop us an email to execom[at]seedig[dot]net. And don’t forget, we cover (almost) everything – from the digital policies that already exist today to the technology of the future.
Meet the SEEDIG 7 Series Programme Committee
Building on the 2019 and 2020 experience, a Programme Committee (PC) was formed to shape the programme for the SEEDIG 7 Series. All selected members submitted their applications when we were still planning to have a 2021 annual meeting in its traditional format. When it became clear that the health situation in the region will not allow us to gather in person, they accepted the Executive Committee invitation to innovate and experiment together with the meeting format. Now they are the faces and the driving force behind our SEEDIG 7 Series venture.
As in previous years, the PC will work in close cooperation with the Executive Committee, consider proposals submitted by the community as part of the call for issues, and define other modalities for further community engagement in the meeting planning process.

1. The SEEDIG 7 Programme Committee (PC) will be formed following a public call for volunteers. For efficiency purposes, the group will be composed of up to 10 members. If more volunteers express interest, the SEEDIG Executive Committee (EC) will appoint PC members from among the volunteers, taking into account the need to create a balanced committee, with overall expertise and experience required to prepare a balanced and relevant programme, in accordance with SEEDIG principles.
2. At least one (1) member of the EC is a full member of the PC and contributes to all PC activities.
Roles and responsibilities
3. The PC will work on shaping the programme for SEEDIG 7, in close coordination with the EC and with the involvement of the broader SEEDIG community. The overall responsibility for ensuring that the meeting programme is aligned with SEEDIG’s mission, vision and principles rests with the EC.
4. Members of the PC are expected to, inter alia:
a) Review the proposals submitted for SEEDIG 7 following the public call for issues, discuss them with the SEEDIG community in at least one online planning meeting, and elaborate a draft programme for SEEDIG 7 based on these proposals.
i) Depending on the number of proposals submitted in response to the call for issues, it is possible that not all proposed issues can be included into the SEEDIG 7 programme. In this case, the PC will use its collective judgement to select issues for inclusion into the draft programme, considering aspects such as: the recurrence of certain issues among those proposed by the community; regional relevance; diversity (i.e. to make sure that the overall programme will be interesting for different stakeholder groups); etc.
ii) To ensure that the SEEDIG 7 programme addresses relevant and timely issues, the PC can also introduce topics that did not result from the call for issues. In doing so, the PC can consult regional organisations active in Internet and digital policy.
b) Publish the draft programme for public comment. Then incorporate comments submitted during the public consultation period(s) into the final programme, to the largest extent possible.
c) Define the structure of the programme, considering past SEEDIG experiences as well as the need to adapt the meeting to the needs and realities of the region.
d) Shape and define sessions, creative tracks and other elements included in the SEEDIG 7 programme, in terms of title, focus, format, contributors/key participants, moderators etc.
e) Define guidelines to be followed by contributors/key participants, moderators and others that are involved in the SEEDIG 7 programme, based on similar guidelines from previous meetings. Ensure that such guidelines are communicated to those concerned in a timely manner, and that they are acknowledged and understood before SEEDIG 7.
f) Make sure that the overall programme is cohesive, consistent, focused and relevant. For example, the programme should include topics of interest for as many stakeholder groups as possible (especially those usually less represented at SEEDIG meetings), and the discussions should be focused and relevant for the SEE+ region.
g) Develop mechanisms (such as public consultations, online meetings etc.) to allow the SEEDIG community to contribute to the programme planning process in an open, inclusive, efficient, and effective manner.
h) Actively participate in building the SEEDIG 7 programme, including through participation in online meetings, reviews, drafting of session and track descriptions, identification of, and communication with, possible contributors/key participants and moderators etc.
i) Engage with the EC on matters related to communications and outreach with regard to SEEDIG 7.
j) Be team players, impartial in their judgement, honest and open to discussion.
Working methods and decision making
5. Workload within the PC is evenly distributed among its members.
6. Each PC member takes responsibility for carrying out specific activities pertaining to the duties of the PC, under the overall coordination of the Chair. For instance, each member is expected to act as lead for at least one element of the SEEDIG 7 programme (e.g. a session, a creative track, etc.) and coordinate related preparations, while also seeking input from the rest of the PC.
7. Should a PC member not be able to fulfil his/her tasks, he/she shall inform the rest of the committee in due time, and provide an indication of when he/she could resume his/her activities.
8. The PC conducts its work online, through online meetings, email exchanges and other communications tools chosen by its members. The PC is encouraged to set a calendar of online meetings at the start of its work; such meetings could occur, for instance, every two weeks at the start of the SEEDIG 7 planning process, and then more often as the SEEDIG 7 dates approach.
9. The PC makes decisions by consensus, to the largest extent possible. Where consensus is not possible, then a formal vote may be held; in the case of voting, decisions shall be taken by simple majority.
10. PC members elect a Chair who coordinates the work of the PC: announcing and chairing meetings, ensuring communication with the SEEDIG community and the SEEDIG EC, working towards ensuring active participation of all PC members etc.
Planning process overview
Please note that this is a general and indicative timeline for the planning process, applicable to all three scenarios. Discussions on the format of SEEDIG 7 will happen in parallel with the described process.
Call for issues
- 11 January – 15 February 2021
Call for PC volunteers
- 18 January – 15 February 2021
PC planning meetings
Discussion of the proposed issues and further planning.
- April – May 2021
SEEDIG 7 Series Kick-off
Launching the 2021 event series.
- 21 June 2021
Shaping and running SEEDIG 7 Series
- Throughout 2021