23–24 May | Ljubljana
About SEEDIG 2018
Under the overarching theme Digital transformation and digital society in SEE+ and having data as a cross-cutting topic, the SEEDIG 2018 meeting featured discussions and exchanges of experiences on a broad range of issues, from digital literacy to network and platform neutrality, and from digital rights to cybersecurity.
The event attracted over 120 in situ participants from 27 countries and all stakeholder groups. 51% of all participants were women, and 26% were youth, demonstrating that SEEDIG has been making considerable progress in gender diversity and youth participation.

Wrapping up SEEDIG 2018
SEEDIG 2018 report
Messages SEEDIG 2018
Participation stats
Check the programme outline for SEEDIG 2018 and see the Internet policy and governance topics we discussed in Ljubljana. A few examples below.
Platform neutrality
Digital literacy
Data-driven technologies
Not to miss
Evaluation survey
SEEDIG 2018 participants were invited to fill out an evaluation survey. Read the report summarising the feedback.
Youth School outcome
At the 2018 edition of the SEEDIG Youth School, students had to prepare a debate on Internet business models.
Fellowship outcome
During an unconference session, the SEEDIG 2018 fellows prepare messages on topics such as security, privacy and AI.
Planning the meeting
Planning process
SEEDIG 2018 was prepared in an open and inclusive manner, by the SEEDIG community.
See also the SEEDIG 2018 event brochure.
Planning meetings
Read the summary report of the online planning meetings held on 17 and 18 January 2018.