SEEDIG is proud to announce that the two capacity development programmes – SEEDIG Youth School and Fellowship Programme – launched in 2017 will continue this year also.
Both programmes will be connected to the SEEDIG fourth annual meeting (23–24 May, Ljubljana). And the calls for applications are now open and will stay so until 2 April.
The SEEDIG Youth School is open to university and master students from South Eastern Europe and the neighbouring area (SEE) who would like to learn more about Internet-related issues such as digital rights, cybersecurity, and the Internet of Things.
The Fellowship Programme welcomes applications from all stakeholder groups – academia, civil society, governments, intergovernmental organisations, the private sector, and the technical community – across SEE, and it targets both newcomers to Internet governance processes and individuals who have some experience in this area.
Both programmes will offer selected participants an opportunity to learn, network, exchange ideas, and prepare to actively participate in SEEDIG and other Internet governance and digital policy processes. They will involve online preparatory meetings, dedicated sessions in Ljubljana, on 22 May, involvements in the SEEDIG 2018 meeting, and contribution to SEEDIG year-long activities.
Financial support covering travel and/or accommodation costs can be granted to a limited number of selected participants. Due to limited availability of funds, applicants are strongly encouraged to look for alternative funding sources.
Read more about the two programmes and the eligibility criteria, and apply by 2 April.