SEEDIG 5 Programme
7–8 May 2019 | Bucharest
Day 0 | 6 May 2019
Venue: National University of Political Studies and Public Administration | Bvd. Expoziției 30A, Bucharest
09:00 – 18:00
SEEDIG Youth School
At its third edition this year, the Youth School offers students from the region a space to learn, network, exchange ideas on Internet-related issues, and prepare to actively participate in SEEDIG and other Internet governance processes. Read more about the Class of 2019 and the programme for Bucharest.
14:30 – 16:00
IGF initiatives in SEE+
A discussion among Internet governance initiatives across SEE+, from national Internet Governance Forums to SEEDIG. What do they have in common? How can they work together? How do they feed (or should) into European and global Internet governance processes?
Key participants:
- Sandra Hoferichter, European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG)
- Chengetai Masango, United Nations Secretariat of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF)
16:00 – 17:30
Internet 101: How does the Internet work?
This educational session will shed light on how the Internet works. What is behind this network of networks? Technically speaking, what makes it all work? What are the key Internet resources and what principles do they rely on?
Key participants:
- Andrea Beccalli, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
- Hisham Ibrahim, RIPE Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
- Ceren Ünal, Internet Society
Day 1 | 7 May 2019
Venue: Hotel InterContinental Bucharest | Bvd. Nicolae Bălcescu 4, Bucharest
08:00 – 09:00
09:00 – 09:30
Opening & Welcoming remarks
Keynote speakers:
- Cătălin Drulă, Chairman, Committee on information and communications technology, Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of Romania
- Maria-Manuela Catrina, State Secretary, Ministry of Communications and Information Society, Romania
- Eduard Lovin, Vice President, National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications, Romania
- Chengetai Masango, United Nations Secretariat of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF)
Facilitator: Sorina Teleanu, Chair, SEEDIG Executive Committee
Block 1 | Security and trust
09:30 – 11:00
(S1.1) Cybersecurity in South Eastern Europe: how to ensure trust and security?
At SEEDIG 5, we will bring together key stakeholders from the region and representatives of international organisations to discuss policies and approaches to provide for peaceful, secure and open cyberspace. Cybersecurity has become a key component of national security. It has also been a top priority for securing successful digital transformation, deployment of next-generation networks (including 5G) and for building trust in the Internet. However, by cyberspace being seamlessly interconnected and borderless, cybersecurity by its very nature is an international issue. The same applies to cybercrime. Both can be effectively tackled only by regional and international cooperation. But is this sufficient? Effective cybersecurity policies have to take various, sometimes even conflicting perspectives into consideration. Some measures for tackling cybersecurity and cybercrime threats can lead to watering down citizens’ rights. Finding balanced solutions is challenging and a multistakeholder dialogue is often seen as an effective tool that can bridge the differences and connect various perspectives. Regional and multistakeholder cooperation in ensuring cybersecurity and fighting cybercrime is also vital for South Eastern Europe and the Eastern Partnership countries.
Key participants:
- Lucien Castex, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, France & Internet Society France
- Maria-Manuela Catrina, State Secretary, Ministry of Communication and Information Society, Romania
- Giorgi Jokhadze, Cybercrime Programme Office, Council of Europe
- Tone Kajzer, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Slovenia
- Veronica Ștefan, Digital Citizens, Romania
Moderator: Natalia Mochu, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
11:00 – 11:30
11:30 – 13:00
(S1.2) Building trust in digital technologies
Many of us use the Internet on a daily basis. But do we trust it? We share a lot of information online, sometimes of a sensitive nature. How aware are we about what happens with this information? We use search engines and social media platforms, which are fuelled by algorithms we know little about. Can we say to what extent our economic choices and social and political behaviours are influenced by algorithmic processes? Going one step further, as advanced technologies such as the Internet of things and artificial intelligence continue to find their way into our day-to-day lives, how much do we really know about them to be able to trust them? All in all, how do we ensure that human rights frameworks and ethical principles are considered in the development and deployment of digital technologies and services? Who should do what to bring (more) trust in digital technologies? Maybe a solution could be in combining transparency, education and awareness raising, and, where needed, affirmative regulatory frameworks. Our session will tackle these issues from a regional perspective, as a contribution of SEE stakeholders to the ongoing international debates.
Key participants:
- Olivier Bringer, DG CONNECT, European Commission
- Jovan Kurbalija, UN Secretary General’s High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation (online participation)
- Patrick Penninckx, Information Society Department, Council of Europe
- Ceren Ünal, Internet Society
- Ana Jovanović, SEEDIG Youth School, Bosnia and Herzegovina
13:00 – 14:00
14:00 – 14:30
(Flash) Digital technologies: a threat or an opportunity for the environment?
Climate change is one of the most pressing problems the humanity faces today. The deterioration of the environment has its roots in human actions and the continuously evolving technologies have their share of the blame. The digital sector itself accounts for around 2% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and e-waste is another challenge to the environment. How do we make this sector more environmentally-friendly and how do we educate end-users and even governments about ICT greening? Taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts is among the sustainable development goals outlined by the United Nations in its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. But how do we get there? Looked at from a different perspective, digital technologies could be leveraged to monitor climate change and ensure environmental sustainability. What is the level of awareness of these issues in our region? What are private and public actors doing to mitigate the negative effects of digital technologies and, instead, use them as tools in ensuring a sustainable future for our planet?
- Dragoș Călugăru & Valentin Negoiță, ECOTIC, Romania
- Constantin Damov, Green Group
Block 2 | Infrastructure and technologies for digital innovation
14:30 – 16:00
(S2.1) Technical developments in South Eastern Europe
What technical developments are happening in South Eastern Europe? What global developments are likely to have a big impact here? How do regulatory developments affect technical actors? You have probably heard about the runout of the fourth version of IP addresses (IPv4) and the slow deployment of the sixth version (IPv6). It is creating a turbulent climate for countries and regions lacking these Internet resources, such as South Eastern Europe. Another technical issue, with not only technical but also societal and political repercussions, is keeping local traffic local. Unfortunately, we see local Internet traffic from SEE+ countries travel all through Europe and beyond, to get to its recipient back in the same country. You will hear from Internet Exchange Points (IXPs), who are trying to address this issue, about their work so far, as well as the challenges and issues they face. Lastly, you will find out about Network Operator Groups (NOGs), which are an essential part of the Internet community and carry out an important function on a national and local level. They connect people with similar technical interests, either at meetings or online, and they give participants the chance to share ideas and make personal connections in their communities. How are they organised in SEE+ and what work lies ahead?
Key participants:
- Mikhail Anisimov, Coordination Centre for TLD .RU, Russia
- Eric Băleanu, Association InterLAN, Romania
- Andrea Beccalli, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
- Hisham Ibrahim, RIPE Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
- Dušan Stojičević, Gransy/SOX/RSNOG, Serbia
Moderator: Gergana Petrova, RIPE Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
16:00 – 16:30
16:30 – 18:00
(S2.2) Are we ready for 5G?
5G is a breakthrough technology that will transform the Internet, key industries and the way we work. It is also important for realising the full potential of the Internet of things. Europe is fully aware of the importance of 5G. The EU, for example, launched strategic initiatives and set the framework for the European approach to 5G with the aim of keeping pace with the world’s leading countries in 5G deployment. The session will bring together key stakeholders to discuss 5G challenges and opportunities for the region. They will examine the readiness of SEE+ countries for the deployment of the new technology and for embracing the changes it brings. They will unveil regional specifics and discuss the opportunities of regional cooperation among SEE countries for faster deployment of 5G. Particular attention will be paid to cross border challenges related to technological interoperability and to the coordination of the use of the radio spectrum across the region. The participants will also share good practices, discuss opportunities for cross-border pilot and demonstration projects, and explore possibilities of cooperation within the extended region, to also include the Eastern Partnership countries.
Key participants:
- Blagoj Hristov, ICT Association, Economic Chamber of Macedonia, North Macedonia
- Iosif Popa, National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications, Romania
- Marius Săvescu, Nokia, Romania
Moderator: Veronica Bocarova, Cullen International
Side events
16:30 – 18:00
Multilingual Internet: local scripts by default
Co-organised with the Internet Governance Forum Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues, this dialogue will bring together government representatives and country code top-level domain (ccTLD) operators, to discuss ways and means to advance multilingualism on the Internet in SEE+. Given the diversity of languages and scripts in the region, Internet multilingualism is a topic that deserves more attention, as policies and initiatives in this area could significantly contribute to a more inclusive Internet. The session will feature discussions on the state of play of Internationalised Domain Names (IDNs) and Universal Acceptance (UA) readiness in the region. Universal Acceptance is the concept that all domain names and e-mail addresses should be recognised by Internet applications and systems. Governments in the SEE+ region can play a leading role in helping to raise the number of IDN domain names and to ensure that IDN-based e-mail addresses are more widely used, through, for example, ensuring that they are recognised by government services. Operators of ccTLDs can share experiences and showcase their success stories in devising and implementing IDN and broader multilingualism policies. Join us for this roundtable, to exchange information with counterpart officials, and to hear from subject matter experts on how to advance multilingualism and UA-readiness at a national and regional level.+
Key participants:
- Susan Chalmers, National Telecommunications and Information and Administration (NTIA), US Department of Commerce & IGF Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues (video message)
- Dijana Milutinović, Serbian National Internet Domain Registry (RNIDS), Serbia
Moderator: Dušan Stojičević, Gransy & Universal Acceptance Steering Group
18:00 – 19:00
SEEDIG Cryptoparty
The Cryptoparty is an event where everyone learns and shares their knowledge about digital privacy. Participants will learn how much information about us and our online activity can be collected by Wi-Fi owners, Internet service providers, governments, online services we use, and malicious subjects in cyberspace. We will discuss how much information we leave behind unknowingly and what these digital traces are, how they compromise our privacy and anonymity, and what we can do to protect ourselves from specific adversaries. We will demonstrate how we can start to exchange encrypted e-mails and how to start encrypted group chats (instant messaging). We will also help participants install privacy protection tools in their devices. The Cryptoparty workshop is for everyone – even those who have no experience with or knowledge about Internet privacy. All you need to do is bring your device – a laptop and/or a smartphone and join us!
- Arandjel Bojanović, Internet Society Serbia, Hacklab Belgrade
- Jelena Ćosić, Internet Society Serbia
- Aleksej Jocić, Hacklab Belgrade,
- Liora, Hackerspace BIH
- Désirée Miloshevic, Internet Society Serbia, Hacklab Belgrade, Internet Society Board of Trustees
- Dejan Petković, Internet Society Serbia,
- Nikola Todorović, Hacklab Belgrade,
Day 2 | 8 May 2019
Venue: Hotel InterContinental Bucharest | Bvd. Nicolae Bălcescu 4, Bucharest
Block 3 | Digital businesses: trends, challenges and regulations
09:00 – 10:30
(S3.1) Businesses in the digital era: opportunities and challenges
The digital economy is fast evolving, digitalisation processes are speeding up, and the Internet is now part of many business activities. This is a standard phrase we hear in many discussions. But what is the real situation in the SEE+ region? SEE-based Internet and digital companies will tell us what it is like to do business in the region. They will talk about their success stories and outline the biggest challenges. Governments will also join the discussions, to look at the enabling environment for the digital economy. Are policies, regulations and standards an enabler or a limiting factor for accessing new business opportunities? Are SEE+ businesses involved in shaping the policies and standards or see themselves as spectators, or even victims? And where do they stand in front of trends such as consolidation and vertical integration? Is the digitalisation process in SEE+ a daunting perspective or a huge opportunity for businesses? How can SMEs and startups be involved as service providers in this transformation? What is the chance of cross-border and regional business development in the SEE+ countries and how could regional partnerships generate more value at a faster pace?
Key participants:
- Marina Bzovîi, Association of Information and Communications Technology Companies, Moldova
- Traian Chebeleu, Permanent International Secretariat, Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation
- Frédéric Donck, Internet Society
- Andrei Kelemen, Cluj IT Cluster, Romania & Balkan, Black Sea and Baltic Sea ICT Network (3B ICT Network)
- Désirée Miloshevic, Internet Society & Afilias
Moderator: Daniel Homorodean, Arxia & Cluj IT Cluster, Romania
10:30 – 11:00
11:00 – 12:30
(S3.2) Dealing with the challenges of online content
Online content policy is a complex matter. While we all want the Internet to facilitate freedom of expression and access to information, sometimes things get more complicated. Online misinformation and disinformation, the spread of hate speech and extremist content, and copyright challenges are only some of these complex issues. How do we deal with them, while preserving Internet freedom? Increasingly, Internet intermediaries are asked to come up with solutions to address these issues. And their policies are placed under intense scrutiny. But is this the right approach? Where do governments and law enforcement agencies fit in this debate? We will discuss these and other related issues from a SEE+ perspective, trying to explore questions such as: What are the regulatory practices that SEE+ countries follow when it comes to content policy, and how do they see the role of Internet intermediaries? What is the current relationship between state authorities and intermediaries in the region? Looking at specific case studies, how are (or should be) human rights considerations integrated into the debate around tackling illegal or harmful content online? How do intermediaries contribute to protecting online rights? And is there a role for other actors, such as media and civil society organisations, in this debate?
Key participants:
- Cristian Bulumac, The Greens/European Free Alliance, European Parliament
- Florin Grozea, MOCAPP, Romania
- Olga Kyryliuk, The Influencer Platform, Ukraine
- Tanja Maksić, Balkan Investigative Reporting Network
- Marcin Olender, Google | Central and Eastern Europe
Moderator: Bogdan Manolea, Association for Technology and Internet, Romania
12:30 – 13:30
13:30 – 14:00
(Flash) Can endangered languages and scripts be preserved in the digital era?
Our future depends on the creativity of a very diverse group of people from around the world. Half of the world population speaks around 50 languages, while the other half speaks nearly seven thousand other languages, some of which use unique writing systems (or scripts). South Eastern Europe itself is a very diverse region in terms of languages spoken and scripts used. But (how) is this diversity reflected in the digital space? New generations consume online content easily available in the major 50 languages, and communicate digitally, using the default keyboard layouts installed on their devices. It seems that not enough attention has been paid to ensuring that, while the Internet and other digital technologies keep evolving, languages and scripts are protected from the risks of digital extinction. So what do we have to do today to preserve our cultural heritage? Do Internationalised Domain Names (IDNs) help? What is their current status on universal acceptance?
- Dušan Stojičević, Gransy & Universal Acceptance Steering Group
Block 4 | Digital technologies: enhancing accessibility and skills
14:00 – 15:30
(S4.1) Accessible, available and affordable digital technologies for all
South Eastern Europe is lagging behind the rest of Europe in providing accessibility to digital technologies (i.e. digital information and services). In many countries in the region, there is a lack of accessibility laws and regulations, lack of dedicated funds and insufficient awareness about the importance of providing accessibility to digital technologies. All countries have ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, that represents a fundamental shift in the attitude about the way our society approaches persons with disabilities. But there seems to be slow progress in implementing it. There is a lack of modern human rights-based accessibility policies and laws in the region. It is therefore essential to ensuring active involvement of all stakeholders (policy makers, regulatory authorities, industry, academia, and non-governmental organisations) in shaping and implementing new accessibility policies and laws. At SEEDIG 5, we will bring together key stakeholders to discuss a way forward to ensuring that digital technologies in South Eastern Europe are available, accessible and affordable for all. Accessibility of digital technologies for persons with disabilities should ensure equal access to information and communication and to digital products and services without limitations.
Key participants:
- Erika Garnier, Motivation Romania Foundation
- Susanna Laurin, Funka, Sweden (online participation)
- Andrei Mare, Student, Romania
- Alexandru Mănăilă, Motivation Romania Foundation
- Amela Odobašić, ITU Rapporteur of SG1 Q7 on Accessibility & Communications Regulatory Agency, Bosnia and Herzegovina (online participation)
Moderator: Dušan Caf, SEEDIG Executive Committee
15:30 – 16:00
16:00 – 17:30
(S4.2) Jobs gained, jobs lost: the future of work and the skills of tomorrow
The machines are coming! That was the message we heard for the last 100 years and concern of mass unemployment always came with it. Today, we often call it ‘automation anxiety’. With breakthroughs in advanced technologies such as automation, artificial intelligence and machine learning, some say that we are, more than ever, under a mass unemployment threat. Yet, scientific research indicates otherwise. Over the years, some jobs just disappeared, but others have emerged, because of economic growth and innovation. The future will most definitely change the jobs of today, so the real questions we should be asking are: What will the future of work mean for jobs and skills in South Eastern Europe? Is the current workforce able to keep up with the ongoing technological changes? Are we ready for the jobs of tomorrow? Are we educating the next generation on human-machine collaboration? Are we able to keep our innovators and bright minds in SEE+?
Key participants:
- David Bolkvadze, Greentest, Georgia
- Mihail Cazacu, CIO Office, Government of Romania & Technical Delegate, WorldSkills
- Oana Craioveanu, Impact Hub Bucharest, Romania
- Alexandru Harasim, UiPath
Moderator: Varujan Pambuccian, Member of Parliament & University of Bucharest, Romania
17:30 – 18:00
Conclusions & Final remarks
Summarising SEEDIG 5 and looking ahead to SEEDIG 6